


STAP (National Foundation for Alcohol Prevention), Ravellaan 88
3533 JP Utrecht


The Radboud University Nijmegen


Alcohol Advertising on Internet / Alkoholwerbung im Internet


Source/Quelle: Vriends, C (2004) Geniet, maar surf met mate. Een onderzoek naar de aantrekkelijkheid van alcoholreclame op het internet voor jongeren tussen de 12 en 17 jaar. (Enjoy, but surf with moderation. A study of the attractiveness of alcohol advertisements on Internet to young people between 12 and 17 years old)
Radboud University Nijmegen, department of Communication Sciences. Publication: STAP, Utrecht.


Deutsche Zusammenfassung nach dem englischen Text

Websites Palmbier, Bacardi and Flügel encourage use of alcohol

Research shows: advertising websites with photo galleries, games, top 40 pop music and popular language are attractive to underage consumers.

Utrecht - 29 /10 / 2004

Websites of certain alcoholic drinks can encourage alcohol consumption among young people. That is the conclusion drawn on the basis of a unique study by the Radboud University Nijmegen. After visiting these websites, young people ranging from 12 to 17 years of age state they want to try these drinks. Websites offering a photo gallery, games top 40 pop music and using popular language turn out to be the most attractive. The websites of Palmbier, Bacardi (hard liquor), Bacardi Breezer and  Flügel embody these characteristics. The study by the Radboud University was conducted on commission of STAP (Stichting Alcoholpreventie; National Foundation for Alcohol Prevention). 

Study of the influence of alcoholic beverage websites on young people

aged 12 to 17
The researchers studied what influence websites advertising for alcoholic drinks have on opinions about alcohol and the intention to use alcohol. Another objective was to determine scientifically which characteristics make websites attractive to young people.  
The study involved a survey questioning 327 school-going young people aged 12 to 17 years old. Divided in two groups (a research group and a control group), each of them visited four different websites.
Eight Dutch websites were studied: Palm (beer), Bacardi (hard liquor), Bacardi Breezer, Flügel (shooter), Gulpener (beer), Duvel (beer), Bols and Hertog Jan(beer). The first four sites were found to contain elements attractive to young people, the latter four did not. The regulations for alcohol producers require that alcohol advertisements not be targeted specifically at underage consumers (Reclamecode voor Alcoholhoudende Drank; Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages).
The results of the study are representative for young people in this age group in the Netherlands.

Photo Gallery, Language use, computer games and top 40 music
The research shows that four characteristics of the eight analyzed websites make the sites attractive to young people. These are:

-The presence of a photo gallery: during promotional campaigns for alcoholic beverages, photos are taken of young people and these are displayed on the website of the promoted beverage brand.
-Language targeted at young people (first-name terms, use of English buzz words).
-The possibility to play games and enter competitions.
-The possibility to download top 40 songs.

Chat box and age warning
The presence of chat boxes and information about films and sports did not score as high with the studied age group. The study showed that the presence of an age warning does not restrain the under aged from visiting websites promoting alcoholic beverages; 70% stated they ignored such warnings.

Visits to websites with alcohol advertisements lead to appetite for alcoholic beverages
The Radbout University research furthermore showed that attitudes towards the use of alcohol  among young people between 12 and 17 who visit websites attractive to their age group promoting alcoholic beverages became more positive, especially concerning the promoted brand. After visting the Palm, Bacardi, Bacardi Breezer and Flügel websites; they also stated that they wanted to try these beverages. These results were compared to those produced by visits to less attractive websites by the control group.
The study revealed that 6% of young people between 12 and 17 years old have already seen the Bacardi Breezer website, and 7% have seen the Flügel website. Based on CBS (Statitics Netherlands) statistics, it can therefore be concluded that respectively 72.000 and 84.000 underage youngsters have at one time or another visited these websites.

STAP argues for regulation of alcohol promotion on Internet
According to the Advertising Code for Alcoholic Beverages (RVA), a voluntary behavior code formulated by the alcohol trade, advertisements for alcoholic drinks may not be targeted specifically at young, underage persons. Campaigns that turn out to be attractive to young people, but with respect to which the advertiser states that they are not purposefully targeting young people, are allowed according to the RVA.
Based on the study by the Radboud University, STAP argues that internet campaigns containing one or more of the characteristics which are explicitly attractive to young people should be banned.


Deutsche Zusammenfassung engl. Text

Die Webseiten Palmbier, Bacardi and Flügel ermutigen zum Alkoholkonsum


Untersuchung zeigt: Werbende Webseiten mit Photo Gallerien, Spielen, Top 40 pop music und lässiger Sprache sind attraktiv für minderjährige Konsumenten.

Utrecht - 29 /10 / 2004

Eine Untersuchung der Radboud Universität Nijmegen lässt schliessen, dass Webseiten gewisser alkoholischer Getränke Jugendliche zum Alkoholkonsum ermutigen können. Nach dem Besuch dieser Webseiten gaben Jugendliche im Alter von 12 bis 17 Jahren an, dass sie diese Drinks probieren wollten. Als attraktivste Webseiten erwiesen sich solche, die eine Photo-Gallerie, Spiele, Top 40 Pop Musik  und eine volksnahe Sprache aufwiesen. Die  Webseiten von Palmbier, Bacardi (hard liquor), Bacardi Breezer and  Flügel enthalten diese Charakteristika.

Die Studie enthielt eine Befragung von 327 Schülern/innen zwischen 12 und 17 Jahren. Aufgeteilt in zwei Gruppen (Studiengruppe und Kontrollgruppe) besuchte jede Gruppe vier verschiedene Webseiten.

Die Studie zeigte, dass das Vorhandensein von Alterswarnungen die Minderjährigen nicht vom Besuch der Webseiten abhielt, die für alkoholische Getränke warben. 7% sagten, dass sie solche Warnungen ignorierten.

Die Studie zeigte auch, dass 6% der Jugendlichen zwischen 12 und 17 Jahren  bereits die Bacardi Breezer Webseite  und 7% die Flügel Webseite gesehen hatten. Aufgrund der CBS (Statitics Netherlands) Statistik, kann deshalb geschlossen werden, dass 72.000 respektive 84.000 Minderjährige irgendwann diese Webseiten gesehen haben. 

STAP argumentiert für die Regulierung der Alkoholwerbung im Internet
Gemäss des Werbe-Codes für alkoholische Getränke (RVA), eines freiwilligen Verhaltenskodex der Alkoholindustrie, darf Alkoholwerbung nicht speziell an junge, minderjährige Personen gerichtet sein. Kampagnen, die sich als attraktiv für Jugendliche erweisen, aber bei denen die Werber betonen, dass sie nicht absichtlich auf Jugendliche abzielen, sind nach den Richtlinien des RVA gestattet. 
Gestützt auf die Studie der  Radboud Universität,  argumertiert STAP, dass Internet-Kampagnen, die eine oder mehrere dieser für Jugendliche attraktiven Charakteristika enthalten, verboten werden sollten. 

(Übersetzung H.T. Meyer)

For information:

STAP (National Foundation for Alcohol Prevention)
Dhr. ir. W.E. van Dalen, director
Telephone 00 31 30 6565041 


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Dossiers: Suchtmittelwerbung; Alcopops; Absinth; WTO - GATS; Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher; Alkohol und Verkehr /  Drink Driving; Wein (Alkohol) sei (mässig genossen) gesund; Sport und Alkohol; Strukturelle Prävention; NPA (Nationales Programm Alkohol); botellón



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