Samstag 6. August 2011 von htm
Background: Despite many activities to prevent risky alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults there is an increase of alcohol intoxications in the group of ten to twenty year old juveniles.
This report gives an overview about the recent literature as well as the German federal prevention system regarding activities concerning behavioral and policy prevention of risky alcohol consumption among
children, adolescents and young adults. Furthermore, effective components of prevention activities are identified and the efficiency and efficacy of ongoing prevention programs is evaluated. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/3/11), 07/22/11
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, consumption, Global, Prevention, Research, societal effects, Youth |
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Mittwoch 15. Juni 2011 von htm
The latest survey of Ontario adults from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows increasing rates of daily drinking and cannabis use and high levels of psychological distress. The results of the 2009 CAMH Monitor survey, the longest running survey tracking mental health and addiction indicators among adults in Ontario, were published today.
The proportion of adults reporting daily drinking increased from 5.3% in 2002 to over 9% in 2009. The average number of drinks consumed weekly among drinkers has also increased from 3 drinks to 4.6 drinks, and the proportion of adults exceeding low-risk drinking guidelines remains at elevated levels (22%). However, there were also some encouraging findings: there was a significant decline in binge drinking from 12.6% in 2006 to 7.1% in 2009, and the decline was evident especially among young adults, from 24% to 11.5%. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 06/13/11)
Kategorie: adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, Publications, Research, Statistics, Youth |
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Freitag 22. April 2011 von htm
Ample survey research has shown that alcohol portrayals in movies affect the development of alcohol consumption in youth. Hence, there is preliminary evidence that alcohol portrayals in movies also directly influence viewers’ drinking of alcohol while watching movies. One process that might account for these direct effects is imitation. The present study therefore examined whether young people imitate actors sipping alcohol on screen. … We observed sipping behaviours of 79 young adults (ages 18–25) watching a 60-min movie clip, ‘What Happens in Vegas’, in a semi-naturalistic home setting. …
The findings showed that participants were more likely to sip in accordance with the actors’ sipping than without such a cue. Further, we found that men were more likely to imitate actors’ sipping than females and that participants tended to respond to actors’ sipping at the beginning of the movie rather than at the end.
Exposure to actors sipping alcohol in a movie seems to have an immediate impact on the drinking behaviour of viewers, via the mechanism of imitation. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 04/21/11)
Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, consumption, Global, Media, Research, societal effects, Youth |
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Dienstag 22. Dezember 2009 von htm
Prior studies have not only demonstrated a clear connection between alcohol outlets and alcohol-related problems, they have also shown that certain types of outlets are associated with different types of problem outcomes. A new study shows that a particular group, underage youth and young adults, have specific problems – injury accidents, traffic crashes, and assaults that are related to specific types of alcohol outlets – off-premise outlets, bars and restaurants. (Quelle: Medical News Today, 12/21/09)
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Driving under the Influence, Global, Health, Research, Violence and crimes, Youth |
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Mittwoch 13. Mai 2009 von htm
Study Identifies Cyber Millenials: High-Tech And Highly Educated Young Adults
„Audience segmentation“ refers to categorizing people by their behaviors, attitudes, opinions, or lifestyles. It is widely used in social-marketing efforts. A new study uses this method to find high-risk drinkers in the US, leading researchers to a group dubbed the Cyber Millenials: „the nation’s tech-savvy singles and couples living in fashionable neighborhoods on the urban fringe.“ (Source: Medical News Today, 5/12/09)
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Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Global, Research, Youth |
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