USA: Commercial Liability an Effective Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Problems
Sonntag 14. August 2011 von htm
Holding alcohol retailers liable for injuries or damage done by their intoxicated customers can reduce motor vehicle deaths, homicides, injuries, and other alcohol-related problems, according to the Community Preventive Services Task Force. The independent, nonfederal, volunteer body of public health and prevention experts has determined that commercial host liability, otherwise known as dram shop liability, can be an effective intervention for reducing alcohol-related harms. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 08/10/11), 10.8.11
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, Driving under the Influence, Global, morbidity, mortality, Politics, Prevention, Research, societal effects, Violence and crimes, Watchdogs, Youth | Keine Kommentare »