
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Alcohol consumption in Mozambique

Dienstag 14. Dezember 2010 von htm

Regular consumption, weekly pattern and binge drinking.
This study aimed to describe alcohol consumption in Mozambique, discriminating binge drinking behaviour and the weekday variation in drinking patterns, and to quantify the association between socio-demographic characteristics and alcohol intake.
A representative sample of 3265 Mozambicans aged 25–64 years was evaluated in 2005 following the World Health Organization Stepwise approach to Chronic Disease Risk Factor Surveillance (STEPS). The consumption of any type of alcoholic beverage, during life and in the previous year, was recorded. Current drinkers were also asked about the number of standard drinks consumed in each day of the previous week. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 12/12/10)

Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Research, Statistics, WHO | Keine Kommentare »

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