
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Campus-Community Interventions Successful In Reducing College Drinking

Sonntag 14. November 2010 von htm

Heavy drinking among college students results in over 1800 deaths each year, as well as 590,000 unintentional injuries, almost 700,000 assaults and more than 97,000 victims of sexual assaults. In a new study published in the December issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers report on the results of the Safer California Universities study, a successful community-wide prevention strategy targeted at off-campus settings. This is one of the first studies to focus on the total environment rather than on prevention aimed at individuals. (Source: Medical News Today, 11/12/10) see also: Joint Together, 11/23/10

Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Health, Prevention, Research, Statistics, Workplace, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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