
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

USA: Again: Rape is not an “Alcohol-Realted Problem”

Mittwoch 26. Januar 2011 von htm

In 2008, there were a number of posts on this blog about a rape at the University of Iowa that was terribly mishandled by the school. In the aftermath of publicity about the school’s “poor judgment,” a number of changes were made. The university president publicly apologized, two administrators involved in the case were fired, and the sexual assault policy was revised. A new article (in a Texas newspaper, the Victoria Advocate, oddly enough) following-up on the case also shows that in 2009 the school hired a sexual misconduct response coordinator who was trained to assist victims and make sure they “get treated with care.” So, despite the inexcusably abysmal immediate response for the survivor, the school seems to have taken a number of admirable actions to make sure that such a disaster never happens again. (As an aside, the outcome for the two perpetrators was that one plead guilty to misdemeanor assault and the other was found guilty of misdemeanor assault). … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/26/11) by Sarah M in: Campus news,General commentary safercampus.org, 01/25/11 our Online Comment: Talking about alcohol in the context of rape makes sense. Most of sexual violence has to do with alcohol. To reduce harm is one way to tackle the problem. Having lessons on sexual violence is an other way which is necessary too. But to start with the most effective measure is good. The other question is if the University finds the right way to reduce alcohol consumption on the campus. Most of the Universities haven’t found yet a good solution, because there is a lot of money involved. E.g. advertising. There’s a new study this month.

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Availability, Binge Drinking, Court Case, Gender, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Prevention, Publications, Violence and crimes, Workplace, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

US-Report: Violent Crime Increasing At Hospitals/Clinics

Donnerstag 17. Juni 2010 von htm

„More and more violent crimes are occurring in America’s hospitals, clinics and other health care facilities, according to a new alert issued by the Joint Commission, an independent health care oversight group,“ USA Today reports. „Since 2004, there have been ’significant increases in reports of assault, rape and homicide, with the greatest number of reports in the last three years,‘ the group said in its ‚Sentinel Event Alert‘ released last week, the latest in a series of alerts on serious adverse events occurring in health care settings.“ Russell L. Colling, a health care consultant who advised the Joint Commission, „cited a number of reasons for the increase in violent outbreaks in health care settings, including an increase in drug and alcohol abuse and a lack of adequate care for psychiatric patients.“ (Source: Medical News Today, 6/15/10)

Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Global, Health, Research, Treatment, Violence and crimes | Keine Kommentare »

Rape Educators Focus on Bar Staff in New Zealand

Freitag 18. Dezember 2009 von htm

„Rape educators want to train New Zealand’s bar staff to intervene when they see ‚predatory males‘ plying women with drinks during the Rugby World Cup. Rape Prevention Education (formerly Rape Crisis) has teamed up with the police, Accident Compensation Corporation and the hospitality industry to train 130 bar staff in Auckland and Wellington in a pilot programme this year. Director Kim McGregor said she hoped the other agencies would help to extend the programme nationally in the lead-up to the World Cup, which kicks off in September 2011. ‚We need to do much more on prevention and social attitudes, for example around the [Cup],‘ she said. ‚For us it’s an opportunity. We have two years to prepare for it.‘ The programme targets bars because three-quarters of sexual offenders and half of all „date rape“ victims were drinking or taking drugs before offences occurred. A fifth of sexual violence happens in or around licensed premises.“ (Source: Harvard World Health News, 12/17/09) The New Zealand Herald, 12/12/09

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Alkoholindustrie, Allgemein, Education, Global, Prevention, Training, Violence and crimes, Workplace | Keine Kommentare »

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