
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Alcohol Companies Use New Media to Lure Young Drinkers

Donnerstag 17. Juni 2010 von htm

New American report: The alcohol industry uses the whole menu of new social media to reach new drinkers and to promote their brands. Sophisticated marketing techniques are being used, concludes a new report just launched in the US. The report starts by describing how Heineken developed a new marketing concept in order to reach young people in Puerto Rico. The company’s marketing strategists realized that 30-second TV spots or other traditional media would not be effective in reaching Puerto Rican youth. Instead, they decided to benefit from the new social media and young people’s 24/7 access to these media as a tool to promote Heineken beer. (Source: ADD Bulletin 4/2010)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Research, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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