
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

USA: Wade Michael Page: Excessive drinking cost Sikh temple shooter his military career, civilian job

Donnerstag 9. August 2012 von htm

OAK CREEK, Wis. —Wade Michael Page, the gunman in Sunday’s Sikh temple shooting, had a history of problems with alcohol, which led to him losing his military career and, more recently, a job as a trucker.

Page, 40, was shot to death by a Wisconsin police officer after he killed six Sikh worshipers at a temple here and shot another officer. He was discharged from the Army in 1998 because he had been found drunk during military exercises, according to law enforcement authorities. He was convicted of driving under the influence a year later in Colorado. And a trucking company confirmed Tuesday morning that it fired Page two years ago after he was pulled over in North Carolina for driving while impaired. ….
(Source: Join Together, 08/08/12) washingtonpost.com, 08/07/12

This to remember for all those who believe that their drinking is only their own business,their private affair.

Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Court Case, Driving under the Influence, Global, morbidity, mortality, Religion, societal effects, Transportation, Violence and crimes, Workplace | Keine Kommentare »

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