Dienstag 21. Juni 2011 von htm
Monitoring Alcohol Marketing in Africa – MAMPA Project is a new report released by the Africa Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO). The study on alcohol marketing was commissioned by the WHO Regional Office for Africa in 2010. The background was an intention to support governments decide on what measures to take regarding alcohol advertising. In order to inform such decisions insight into the impact of advertising, specifically in terms of volume, frequency, and content of alcohol advertising and promotion is essential. …
Among the recommendations of the report is for governments to recognize that a comprehensive ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship would reduce alcohol-related harm, and that selfregulation is an ineffective mechanism to reduce alcohol related harm, effective legislation is necessary to strictly regulate alcohol marketing activities. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 06/20/11) WHO-Report, 06/20/11
Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Children, Global, Media, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Research, societal effects, WHO, Youth |
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Dienstag 22. Februar 2011 von htm
Authors: Jürgen Rehm, Emanuele Scafato
Aims: Alcohol is a major risk factor for burden of disease and injury in Europe, and contributes markedly to between region differences in life expectancy. Monitoring and surveillance systems have shown to be a key factor in implementing effective policies. The aim of this paper is to propose a system of indicators for alcohol consumption and attributable harm which can be used as an over-time monitoring tool at the country level as well as for comparisons between countries. …
Conclusions: National and European Union-wide monitoring systems for alcohol exposure and attributable harm to inform public health-related policy decisions could be implemented easily. The establishement of such monitoring systems would follow the recent World Assembly resolution for a global strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 02/20/11) onlinelibrary.wiley.com, 02/16/11
Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, consumption, Europaparlament / EU-Kommission, Global, morbidity, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, Verhältnis-Präv., Weltgesundheits-Org., WHO globale Alkohol-Strategie |
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Dienstag 7. Dezember 2010 von htm
Erster Bericht zur Suchtpolitik und Monitoring des Suchtbereichs Basel-Stadt 2010 erschienen: Im Jahr 2010 hat die Abteilung Sucht der Gesundheitsdienste im Auftrag des Interdepartementalen Führungsgremiums Sucht (IFS) erstmals einen Monitoringbericht (pdf, 39S., 1.3Mb) über den Suchtbereich im Kanton Basel-Stadt verfasst. Er gibt einen Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Suchtbereich, fasst die wesentlichen Angebote kantonaler und privater Träger der Suchthilfe zusammen und liefert Kennzahlen hinsichtlich ihrer Nutzung im Jahr 2009. Medienmitteilung des Gesundheitsdepartementes. (Quelle: Infoset Newsletter Dezember 2010)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Politik, Schweiz |
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Freitag 10. April 2009 von htm
The Missouri Department of Corrections Division of Probation and Parole has launched a new alcohol monitoring Pilot Program aimed at testing the impact of 24/7, continuous alcohol monitoring on the management of the state’s alcohol-fueled offenders with alcohol anklets. The pilot, which began in early March, targets offenders with a documented history of alcohol abuse and with offense histories that include multiple DWIs. The six month Pilot Program will run in seven probation and parole district offices located in St. Louis, Vernon, Jackson, Greene, Boone, Scott and Buchanan counties and will monitor a total of 70 offenders, each for 90 days. (Source: Medical News Today, 4/8/09)
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Kategorie: Allgemein, Driving under the Influence, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Prevention, Violence and crimes |
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