
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

F: Das Appelationsgericht von Paris bestätigt Urteil gegen die SA Ricard wegen Zuwiderhandlung gegen das loi Evin

Freitag 25. Mai 2012 von htm

24 mai 2012 – Les applications Ricard 3 D et Ricard Mix Codes présentent un caractère intrusif, contraire à la loi EVIN – La Cour d’Appel de Paris ordonne leur retrait de tout support

En juin 2011, la SA RICARD a lancé une campagne publicitaire intitulée Un Ricard des rencontres, relayée par l’intermédiaire d’applications gratuites, constituée de

quatre affiches ou visuels, (les visuels présentent la rencontre du Ricard avec différents ingrédients : eau, glace, grenadine, menthe ; et comportent, à droite, une bouteille de Ricard, en bas au centre, et en gros caractères la mention, en lettres capitales, UN RICARD DES RENCONTRES, et précisant, en haut à gauche, selon le cas : Rencontre # 01 Ricard/eau, Rencontre # 03 Ricard/glace, Rencontre # 34 Ricard/grenadine, Rencontre # 56 Ricard/menthe),

d’un film (il présente, sur fond de musique d’ambiance, des nuages de toutes les couleurs, qui bougent, rappelant les quatre affiches)sur Internet,

L’Association Nationale de Prévention en Alcoologie et Addictologie (ANPAA), a assigné la société RICARD en référé afin de voir ordonner le retrait du film publicitaire sur tout support, la mention Des rencontres associée au nom de Un Ricard ainsi que le retrait et la suppression des applications intitulées Ricard 3D et Ricard Mix Codes, sur tout support, et notamment sur l’Appstore et I Tunes.

Dans un arrêt du 23 mai la Cour d’Appel de Paris renforçant la décision du 5 août 2011 du juge des référés du tribunal de grande instance de Paris fait droit aux demandes de l’A.N.P.A.A. Elle ordonne le retrait: ….
(Quelle: A.N.P.A.A., 24.5.12)

Kategorie: Aktionen, Alkoholindustrie, Allgemein, Gerichtsfälle, Internationales, Medien, Verhältnis-Präv., Werbung | Keine Kommentare »

UK: MP Calls For New Measures To Protect Children From Alcohol Advertising

Freitag 25. März 2011 von htm

Next week, Sarah Wollaston MP will put forward a private member’s bill urging the government to adopt a new approach to protect UK children from alcohol advertising.
In an editorial published on bmj.com today, Professor Gerard Hastings and Dr Nick Sheron set out why we urgently need to tackle the excessive drinking of our young people and their massive exposure to alcohol advertising.
The bill will call on the government to adapt French legislation that allows alcohol advertising in media aimed at adults but not children, and ensures that promotional messages are factual and verifiable. (Source: Medical News Today, 03/24/11)

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Children, Global, Media, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, societal effects, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

4th European Alcohol Policy Conference 6/21–22/10, Brussels

Samstag 29. Mai 2010 von htm

Invitation for the workshop on alcohol marketing on 22 June 11.00- 13.00
Items: “How to pave the way for effective regulation of alcohol marketing in Europe”
– What theory tells us about effective alcohol marketing regulations
– Keeping up appearances (Comparing evidence based evaluations with monitoring exercises of the industry)
– The Loi Evin in theory and practice
– Talking about an alcohol marketing ban….why not? (Elaborating about juridical obstacles for an alcohol marketing ban in Europe.) (Source: FASE (Focus on Alcohol Safe Environment)

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Events, Global, Health, Politics, Prevention, Research, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

France: new law on alcohol on 7/22/09

Donnerstag 8. Oktober 2009 von htm

On 22 July 2009 the French Government has adopted a new law in an attempt to tackle the problem of binge drinking among youths. Some details:
– The new law bans the sale of alcohol to under 18s anywhere in France. Before the law there was a grey area surrounding sales of alcoholic drinks to teenagers aged 16 to 18, with different rules depending on the kind of alcohol and whether the sales point was a bar, a club or a supermarket.
– The new bill also bans promotions known as „open bar“ which allow customers to drink as much as they want to for a fixed price. ”These are a classic at student parties and encourage binge drinking,“ the French Health Minister, Ms Bachelot said.
– Drinking alcohol in public places close to schools is also forbidden.
– A ban on sales of alcohol in petrol stations. Such a ban existed before only from 10 pm to 6 am.
Regrettably the law now allows alcohol advertising on the internet, with the only exception of those websites that are mainly aimed at young people and those owned by sport organisations. Internet advertisements will have to fulfil the same requirements that apply to those in the written press and billboards under the loi Evin.
The number of under-25s hospitalized because of excessive drunkenness had doubled between 2004 and 2007.
* The Loi Evin prohibited Alcohol Sponsorship and also banned alcohol advertising on TV and cinemas as well as on youth magazines. (Source: Eurocare Newsletter August-September 09)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

New law on alcohol in France

Donnerstag 6. August 2009 von htm

Enforced since 22 July 2009:
– Ban on selling alcohol to minors under 18 (versus 16 before) [was demanded by Anpaa]
– Ban on free offer of alcohol (open bars) [was demanded by Anpaa].
– Sale in petrol stations is forbidden between 6pm and 8am (versus 10pm and 6am before)
[Anpaa supported a total ban].
Unfortunately advertising for alcoholic drinks on internet is allowed but under the same conditions as those for the press and the billboards (loi Evin)* : ads are not authorized on web sites used by young people or edited by sport organisations. This will be difficult to control! When ads are authorized, it is under the reserve that they are neither intrusiv nor interstitial [Anpaa tried sucessless to negociate a total ban with only an authorization for advertising on the industry’s web sites].
*Reminder : advertising, is forbidden namely on TV and cinema, press magazine for youth…and when authorized ads are strictly controlled. Sponsoring is also forbidden. (From ANPAA, 8/6/09)

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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