
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

NL: Conference on alcohol and health

Mittwoch 17. März 2010 von htm

This conference provides an overview of the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge about the effects of alcohol on physical health. Leading international scientists will elaborate on their findings regarding the effects of alcohol on heart, brains and liver and the relation of alcohol and cancer. Furthermore, the public message with respect to alcohol and health will be discussed.
Start: Thursday, Sept. 23, 2010; Organisation: STAP (Dutch institute for alcohol policy) Location: Amsterdam
Preliminary programme (Source: SFA-ISPA)

Kategorie: Allgemein, Events, Global, Health, Prevention, Research, Statistics, Training, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

„Study“: Alcohol ‚protects men’s hearts‘

Sonntag 22. November 2009 von htm

The type of drink did not appear to change the results. Drinking alcohol every day cuts the risk of heart disease in men by more than a third, a major study suggests. The Spanish research involving more than 15,500 men and 26,000 women found large quantities of alcohol could be even more beneficial for men.
Female drinkers did not benefit to the same extent, the study in Heart found. Experts are critical, warning heavy drinking can increase the risk of other diseases, with alcohol responsible for 1.8 million deaths globally per year. (Source: Google Alkohol Alert, 11/21/09) Source: BBC NEWS, 11/19/09 Comment: An unbelievable study. It is contradictory to previous studies about positive health aspects for the heart. After the French paradox we have now the Spanish paradox. BBC presents the opinion of critical experts, but many medias bring only the positive news in order to make propaganda for alcoholic beverages. That’s exactly the reason, why such studies come out.

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Health, Publications, Research, Statistics | Keine Kommentare »

Comment: After The Heart Now Dementia

Dienstag 1. September 2009 von htm

Online Comment on „Moderate Drinkers Less Likely To Develop Dementia“ on Medical News Today, 8/30/09:
Now we have the same epidemic news as we have had it with heart disease. And here researchers declare openly they did not explore the characteristics of individuals. That means, it is not clear who the abstainers are: Former alcoholics, people with diabetes, abstainers for one month, a year or lifelong. I know many lifelong abstainers, many of them lived 90 and more years, but not one of them showed abnormal signs or died of dementia.

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Health, Letters and comments to editors, Research, Seniors | Keine Kommentare »

After the heart now dementia

Montag 31. August 2009 von htm

Moderate Drinkers Less Likely To Develop Dementia says a study from The Australian National University.
People who drink light to moderate amounts of alcohol in later life are less likely to develop dementia than people who abstain from alcohol consumption. (Source: Medical News Today, 8/30/09) Comment online. The same story again: Characteristics of individuals recruited into the studies were not checked. Pure alcohol marketing.

Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Health, Research, Seniors | Keine Kommentare »

Alcohol May Not Be So Good for You, After All

Samstag 27. Juni 2009 von htm

Many studies have suggested that using alcohol in moderation may help heart health and even prevent diabetes and dementia, but some scientists are questioning the purported benefits of moderate drinking, the New York Times reported June 16. Kaye Middleton Fillmore, a retired sociologist from the University of California at San Francisco, suggested that moderate drinking is simply what healthy people do, as well as exercising and eating right. Tim Naimi of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that moderate drinkers are healthier, wealthier, and more educated and that these social advantages have nothing to do with their drinking. (Source: Join Together, 6/23/09) Comment: It’s high time a well-known newspaper brings up this question. Let’s hope other will follow.

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Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Health, Research, Verhaltens-Präv. | Keine Kommentare »

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