EU-Drug Addiction Prevention Project
Dienstag 9. März 2010 von htm
For the first time a made in Europe youth drug prevention project was developed and tested thanks to funding from the European Commission. After six years the European Drug Addiction Prevention Project has ended and has left behind an effective program to prevent the use of drugs. In short, EU-Dap developed and tested a school-based alcohol, tobacco and drugs prevention program in seven European countries. The drug prevention program named Unplugged is still being used today by not only the EU-Dap study group but also many other countries beyond Europe.
The EU-Dap school materials named Unplugged are available free of charge. The materials involve a 12-lesson teacher manual, a student workbook and two card games for youth. Please visit to download these free materials.
Kategorie: Allgemein, Education, Global, Jugendliche, Other Drugs, Verhaltens-Präv. | Keine Kommentare »