
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

USA: Kerlikowske Confirmed as Drug Czar

Montag 11. Mai 2009 von htm

Former Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate as President Barack Obama’s ‚drug czar. The Senate voted 91-1 to approve Kerlikowske’s nomination as director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. During his confirmation hearing, Kerlikowske promised a balanced, science-based approach to fighting illicit-drug use and faced few difficult questions from lawmakers. (Source: Join Together, 5/11/09)

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Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Jugend, Other Drugs, Verhaltens-Präv., Verhältnis-Präv., Verschiedene | Keine Kommentare »

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