Mittwoch 25. Mai 2011 von htm
Almost half of UK consumers (45%) are trying to lose weight, and nearly two thirds (62%) are worried about their bank balance, yet many don’t make the connection between their drinking and an expanding waistline or empty wallet, according to new research released today by alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware. … (Source: Medical News Today, 5/23/11)
Kategorie: Allgemein, consumption, Global, Health, Prevention, Research, safe level, Watchdogs |
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Samstag 15. Januar 2011 von htm
Only two in five adults (42%) recognise how many alcohol units are in common drinks, according to research by Drinkaware. The survey also found that less than a third of adults (29% of women and 32% of men) can correctly state the recommended daily unit guidelines for their respective gender. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/15/11), 01/13/11
Kategorie: Allgemein, Gender, Global, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs |
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Freitag 10. Dezember 2010 von htm
On average, over a third (38%) of soap air time features alcohol, but the negative consequences of drinking to excess are rarely shown, according to new research launched today (8th December) by alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware.1 Despite 162 instances of characters drinking to excess2 over a six week monitoring period, only 1.5% of alcohol scenes portrayed hangovers and less than 1% combined showed alcohol-related sickness, crime, regret or anti-social behaviour. (Source: Medical News Today, 12/08/10)
Kategorie: Addiction, Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Media, Research, Statistics |
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Montag 2. August 2010 von htm
Responding to the plan by the Government to crack down on binge drinking hotspots and give communities more influence over licensing applications, Chris Sorek, Chief Executive of alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware, says: „Alcohol misuse costs society £25 billion a year* and it is imperative our culture’s binge drinking problem is tackled head on. Drink related anti-social behavior causes misery for communities across the country, and the Government is right to take action. We hope this is the first step in a plan that goes right to the heart of the issue – changing attitudes and making it socially unacceptable to drink to excess. (Source: Medical News Today, 7/30/10)
Comment: They cannot change attitudes with awareness programmes. The Government must do much more.
Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Health, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Social Costs |
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Donnerstag 27. Mai 2010 von htm
Over 520,000 people in the United Kingdom arrive at work with a hangover each day, according to a study carried out by Drinkaware, a UK charity claiming to provide consumers with information to make informed decisions about the effects of alcohol on their lives and lifestyles.
The study, released today, shows that the average Brit goes to work suffering the after effects of excessive alcohol three times monthly. Of those who admit to being hung over, 17% confess to struggling to keep on top of their workload and to making mistakes. 7% of people with a hangover say they had to leave work early because they did not feel well enough to carry on.
With the World Cup football (soccer) tournament starting next month, Drinkaware believes these figures will spike in June and July, having a direct impact on productivity throughout the country. (Source: Medical News Today, 5/26/10)
Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Events, Global, Research, Statistics, Workplace |
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Samstag 6. März 2010 von htm
‚Side Stepping Alcohol Misuse‘, an alcohol awareness project run by London Active Communities and Premier Rugby, is due to kick off across the country this month after receiving £100,000 funding from the charity, Drinkaware. The ground-breaking new youth inclusion project will see specially trained community staff from Premiership Rugby Clubs and local youth workers deliver sports-based alcohol education to young people aged 13 to 19. The programme will target hard to reach and disadvantaged communities in 12 areas, including Newcastle, Leeds and London. (Source: Medical News Today, 3/5/10)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Children, Education, Global, Prevention, Sports, Training, Youth |
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Montag 22. Februar 2010 von htm
Reacting to a Government campaign which aims to educate and support young people to make sensible decisions about alcohol, especially during the school holidays, Chris Sorek, Chief Executive of Drinkaware, says: „For young people, boredom and drinking alcohol often goes hand in hand – nearly one in 10 young people aged 16 and 17 (8 per cent) drink at least once a week just because they are bored*. (Source: Medical News Today, 2/21/10)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Research, Statistics, Youth |
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Samstag 12. Dezember 2009 von htm
Mit einer interaktiven Medienaktion in mehreren Großstädten warnt eine britische Organisation vor einem zu hohen Alkoholkonsum während der Weihnachtstage. Unter dem Motto „Was trinkt Großbritannien dieses Weihnachten?“ stellte die Organisation Drinkaware in London, Leeds, Birmingham und im schottischen Glasgow riesige Bildschirme auf, an denen die Bürger eingeben können, wieviel Alkohol sie in den vergangenen 24 Stunden getrunken haben. Diese Angabe wird in Alkoholeinheiten und Kalorien umgerechnet und mit der empfohlenen Tagesmenge verglichen. (Quelle: Google Alkohol Alert, 10.12.09) google/AFP, 10.12.09
Kategorie: Aktionen, Allgemein, Aufruf, Internationales, Verhaltens-Präv. |
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Montag 30. November 2009 von htm
Drinking alcohol increases the chances of young people taking risks, including with their sexual health, according to new research from alcohol charity Drinkaware and sexual health charity Brook. One in four (25%) 16 and 17 year olds had been drinking alcohol the first time they had sex without a condom and more than half (51%) have friends who have had sex without a condom because they were drunk. (Source: Medical News Today, 11/29/09)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Health, Research, Youth |
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