
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

The Greatest Failure of the Medical and Public Health Professions

Dienstag 20. Juli 2010 von htm

The greatest and most costly failure of the medical profession and public health community is their failure to explain to the American people that addiction to alcohol and other drugs is a disease.
Against the scientific knowledge we now have, physicians’ refusal to give alcohol- and other drug-addicted patients the same medical care and attention they provide individuals with other chronic illnesses like hypertension and diabetes is inconsistent with their Hippocratic oath to “prescribe regimen for the good of my patients…and never to do harm to anyone.” The harm due to this long term failure of the medical profession and public health community is measured in untold lives lost and ruined and the incalculable human misery of families, friends and colleagues of alcoholics and drug addicts. (Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 7/19/10)

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Children, Education, Global, Health, HIV, Other Drugs, Parents, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Social Costs, Treatment, Violence and crimes, Watchdogs, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

The latest Chairman’s Corner of CASA Chairman and President

Dienstag 2. Februar 2010 von htm

In his latest Chairman’s Corner CASA Chairman and President, Joseph A. Califano, Jr. talks about how to reduce the US deficit by addressing substance abuse and addiction. In fiscal year 2010 federal and state government spending on this problem accounts for more than $500 billion to taxpayers and almost all goes to shovel up the consequences of our failure to prevent and treat it. chairmanscorner.casacolumbia.org, 2/1/10

Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Other Drugs, Politics, Prevention, Statistics, Treatment | Keine Kommentare »

Lest CASA Chairman Joseph A. Califano’s blog

Freitag 27. März 2009 von htm

Hillary Clinton hat es erfasst: „Unsere unersättliche Nachfrage nach illegalen Drogen versorgt den Drogenhandel.“ Im Chairman’s Corner findet man die Lösung für die nationale Drogen-Epidemie. Dann teile deine Gedanken, Meinung, Uebereinstimmung, Kritik zum Thema mit einem Kommentar auf der CASA-Webseite. Teile diesen Blog mit deinen Freunden, Kollegen und deinem Kundenkreis. Ermutige sie teilzunehmen, denn so können alle voneinander lernen – in unserer gemeinsamen Anstrengung, sich offen, effektiv und ohne Vorurteil mit der grössten Krankheit unserer Nation – Abhängigkeit – zu konfrontieren. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, 3/27/09 Mit unserem Kommentar

Kategorie: Allgemein, Andere Drogen, Internationales, Jugend, Politik, Verhaltens-Präv., Verhältnis-Präv., Verschiedene | Keine Kommentare »

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