EU: (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy and alcohol
Freitag 4. März 2011 von htm
In search for a Coherent Alcohol Policy in Common Agricultural Policy.
Under the current regulations alcohol production is eligible for EU funding and, as recently noted by the Commission, this is not likely to change.
The majority of the funding comes from Community policy on information measures on the Community system of wines with a protected designation of origin (PDO) or protected geographical indication (PGI). Ironically, the CAP budget also provides money for ‘information measure on responsible drinking and the damaging effect of dangerous alcohol consumption’. In the last three years approximately €12.7mln has been spent for these two ‘information measures’ strands[1].
Consequently, EU budget money (our money) is being given to the alcohol industry to tell us how dangerous it is to consume the product they sell us.
Eurocare has recently addressed this problem in its response to the Common Agriculture Policy consultation. … (Source: Eurocare Newsletter Januar-February 2011)
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Health, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »