Top News: Alcopops Revenue Should Be for Advertising Buy-back Trial
Freitag 27. März 2009 von htm
The Australian Medical Association, AMA, recommends that the money raised by the failed alcopops tax should be spent on a trial buy-back to reduce alcohol advertising in sport. AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said handing the money, $340 million in total, back to the liquor industry made no sense.
„This money should be put to good use. It could fund a carefully evaluated trial where government buys back advertising space that would otherwise be used by alcohol marketers during sporting events – particularly at times when children are watching. „The impact of alcohol advertising in sport is real. We need to break the connection between the Australian celebration of sport and healthy sporting role models and alcohol. (Source: Medical News Today, 3/26/09) Comment: This idea is also part of our project idea.
Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alcopops, Allgemein, Global, Prevention, Sports, Youth | Keine Kommentare »