
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Binge Drinking Damages Teenage Girls‘ Brains More Than Boys‘

Dienstag 19. Juli 2011 von htm

Teenage girls who binge-drink have a higher risk of long-term harm to the brain compared to boys of the same age who also binge drink, researchers from the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University reported in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Their definition of binge-drinking is consuming at least four (for females) or five (for males) alcoholic drinks at one sitting.
The investigators said that activity levels in several regions of the brain among girls who binge drink were lower than what one would normally find among typical teenagers. …(Source: Medical News Today, 07/17/11)

Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, Gender, Global, Health, Research, societal effects, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

Teenage girls outstrip boys on alcohol–study in Europe

Donnerstag 17. März 2011 von htm

An intriguing new study by European researchers has found that teen girls aged around 16 years are hitting the bottle more frequently than their male counterparts.
Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that 80 percent of all 15- to 16-year-olds drink regularly, usually downing at least five units at once, the Daily Mail reports.
Over the last decade, binge drinking habits have greatly increased among adolescent girls, and though they consume less than boys, they get drunk more often than boys do. …
“We also see that this drinking is strongly related to problems such as fights, accidents, and unwanted sexual relations.” (Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/14/11) themedguru.com, 03/10/11 Comment: The reason is the marketing of alcopops and that governments reacted too late.

Kategorie: Alcopops, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, consumption, Gender, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Research, Violence and crimes, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

USA: Teen Girls Are Drinking More Than Boys

Freitag 2. Juli 2010 von htm

Report shows Girls drink to relieve stress and worries, while boys look for fun.
New data released today from the Partnership for a Drug Free America suggest that not only are girls now drinking more than boys, they turn to drugs and alcohol for more serious reasons as well. The report, which analyzed results from the 2009 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS), a survey of teen attitudes and behaviors, shows that the number of middle- and high-school girls who say they drink has increased by 11 percent in the past year, from 53 percent to 59 percent. Boys have stayed at about the same level, hovering around 52 percent. (Source: Harvard World Health News, 7/2/10) newsweek.com, 6/29/10

Kategorie: Allgemein, Children, Global, Research, Training, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

The Science Of Why Girls Can’t Drink Alcohol Like Boys

Sonntag 21. März 2010 von htm

Before Spring Break: Explain The Science Of Why Girls Can’t Drink Alcohol Like Boys.
Spring break is here and many teenage girls may be tempted to take their first drink. The Science Inside Alcohol Project of the American Association for the Advancement of Science suggests that parents, teachers and caregivers help girls delay that first drink by telling them what scientific research shows regarding their ability to handle alcohol compared to boys.
There’s reason to worry. The number of teens who use alcohol rose 11% from 2008 to 2009, according to a new report from the Partnership for a Drug Free America. Teens are drinking younger and more often. In the 1960s, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, only 7% of girls reported having their first drink between the ages of 10 and 14. Now, 31% try alcohol before high school. (Source: Medical News Today, 3/19/10)

Kategorie: Alerts, Allgemein, Children, Education, Global, Prevention, Statistics, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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