Samstag 1. Januar 2011 von htm
Milwaukee comes out top in America’s 40 drunkest cities, published by The Daily Beast, followed by Fargo, San Francisco, Austin and Reno. The average adult in Milwaukee consumes 12.76 alcoholic drinks each month, 7% of all its people aged over 18 years are alcoholic, while 21.9% are binge drinkers. 3.9 people per 100,000 in Milwaukee die from alcoholic liver disease. (Source: Medical News Today, 12/31/10)
Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Health, Research, Statistics |
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Freitag 25. Juni 2010 von htm meet cost of policing binge drinkers. Bars and pubs that stay open after 11pm will have to pay a „law and order“ fee, following police concerns over the levels of drink-fuelled disorder.
Under plans to dismantle round-the-clock drinking, the government wants late-night bars to help pay for the cost of tackling antisocial behaviour and alcohol-related violence.
Town halls will be given the power to charge premises additional fees for late-night licences, with the amount likely to be graded on the establishment’s popularity. The proposals will run alongside new powers reducing the number of outlets selling alcohol. … (Source: Harvard World Health News, 6/24/10), 6/20/10
Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Global, Health, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Social Costs, Violence and crimes |
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Donnerstag 3. Juni 2010 von htm
Binge Drinkers Report Sub-Optimal Health Status More Often Than Non-Binge Drinkers
Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that excessive drinking is responsible for approximately 79,000 deaths annually in the United States. Binge drinking accounts for more than half of those deaths. A new study has looked at the frequency of binge drinking in relation to drinkers‘ own perceptions of their overall health status. Findings indicate that binge drinkers have a 13 to 23 percent greater likelihood of self-reporting sub-optimal health status. (Source: Medical News Today, 6/2/10)
Kategorie: Addiction, Allgemein, Global, Health, Research, Statistics |
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Montag 21. Dezember 2009 von htm
Environmental prevention strategies need to be coupled with interventions targeting high-risk individuals to effectively combat campus binge drinking, according to researchers from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Researchers said that half a million college students in the U.S. suffered injuries each year as a result of binge drinking. Many of those injuries are suffered by frequent, heavy drinkers, up to 40 percent of whom have been injured due to drinking, according to the study. (Source: Join Together, 12/18/09)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Education, Global, Health, Prevention, Research, Statistics, Youth |
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Freitag 11. September 2009 von htm
Young people are unaware that government guidelines would class them as binge drinkers. This is the finding of Dr Richard Cooke from Aston University and Dr Falko Sniehotta from the University of Aberdeen who will present their research at the Division of Health Psychology, part of the British Psychological Society, annual conference today, 10th September 2009. (Source: Medical News Today, 9/10/09)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Research, Youth |
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Samstag 22. August 2009 von htm
„New findings by state and federal health officials found that liquor is the most consumed alcoholic beverage among high school students in Georgia, USA, particularly among binge drinkers. And when students do drink, most of the time they do it in another person’s home and obtain the liquor from someone else, according to the study, which examines 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 2,465 Georgia students in grades 9 through 12. (Source: Harvard World Health News, 8/21/09-) The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 8/21/09
Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Research, Statistics, Workplace, Youth |
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