
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Eurocare Annual General Assembly (24th- 25th May, Brussels): New president and Board

Montag 20. Juni 2011 von htm

After 21 years of valuable service to Eurocare, Dr. Michel Craplet from ANPAA resigned from his post as Chairman of the organization. The former vice Chairman of Eurocare, Ms. Tiziana Codenotti was elected to be the new president. The General Assembly elected as well a new Board. … (Source: Eurocare Newsletter May – June 2011)

Kategorie: Allgemein, Events, Global, Newsletter, Personalities, Prevention, Publications, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

Experts Critical of Purported Hangover Curative

Freitag 25. Juni 2010 von htm

A new drink debuting in France claims to reduce drunkenness and lessen hangovers but has health experts wary, Fox News reported June 16. The drink, Outox, purports to „greatly speed up“ the breakdown of alcohol in the blood, which the company says has been medically tested, though this has not been independently verified. „If someone invented a product capable of really lowering the level of alcohol in the blood, he would deserve a Nobel prize,“ said Alain Rigaud, president of the French anti-alcoholism group Association Nationale de Prevention en Alcoologie et Addictologie (ANPAA). (Source: Join Together, 6/24/10)

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Global, Treatment | Keine Kommentare »

New law on alcohol in France

Donnerstag 6. August 2009 von htm

Enforced since 22 July 2009:
– Ban on selling alcohol to minors under 18 (versus 16 before) [was demanded by Anpaa]
– Ban on free offer of alcohol (open bars) [was demanded by Anpaa].
– Sale in petrol stations is forbidden between 6pm and 8am (versus 10pm and 6am before)
[Anpaa supported a total ban].
Unfortunately advertising for alcoholic drinks on internet is allowed but under the same conditions as those for the press and the billboards (loi Evin)* : ads are not authorized on web sites used by young people or edited by sport organisations. This will be difficult to control! When ads are authorized, it is under the reserve that they are neither intrusiv nor interstitial [Anpaa tried sucessless to negociate a total ban with only an authorization for advertising on the industry’s web sites].
*Reminder : advertising, is forbidden namely on TV and cinema, press magazine for youth…and when authorized ads are strictly controlled. Sponsoring is also forbidden. (From ANPAA, 8/6/09)

Kategorie: Advertising, Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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