
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Big Alcohol informs: Global Actions on Harmful Drinking

Samstag 9. Juli 2011 von htm

Welcome to Global Actions, your briefing on our efforts around the world as part of Global Actions on Harmful Drinking. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/07/11) Comment: Active social marketing by the alcohol industry.

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Development, Driving under the Influence, Global, Media, Politics, Prevention, societal effects | Keine Kommentare »

TOP NEWS: Let’s Be Straight Up about the Alcohol Industry

Samstag 2. Juli 2011 von htm

If medical journals and public health advocates are concerned with corporate conflicts of interest, inappropriate marketing
to children, impotent self-regulation, and general flouting of the rules, why are we ignoring the alcohol industry? The crisis of confidence that surrounds the behavior and practices of Big Tobacco and Big Pharma [1,2]—bias in funded research, unsupported claims of benefit, and inappropriate promotion and marketing, among others—should be enough to provoke in us all a high degree of skepticism with any industry involvement in health research and policy. But the evidence and critical voices highlighting the practices of the alcohol industry—a massive and growing US$150 billion global business—have not yet received adequate prominence in medical journals. Indeed, attention to and scientific research on the alcohol industry have not kept pace with the industry’s ability to grow and evolve its markets and influence in the health arena. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 06/30/11)
The PLoS Medicine Editors

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Alerts, Allgemein, Global, Health, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, societal effects, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

Alcohol-Industry declares war on proposed alcohol advertising ban in Lithuania

Montag 20. Juni 2011 von htm

In 2008 the Lithuanian Parliament accepted an amendment to the Alcohol Control Law that would install a comprehensive ban on alcohol advertising in the year 2012. Now with only 6 months left the pressure to withdraw the ban is steadily rising. The alcohol industry has stepped up its lobbying activities and politicians are backing out.
The Lithuanian National Tobacco and Alcohol Control Coalition reports that Sven Langeneckert, Vice President of the Carlsberg Group traveled to Lithuania to convince the prime minister why the total ban must be stopped. Lietuvos Rytas, a Lithuanian newspaper
even quoted the Carlsberg Vice President as saying that the company would leave the country if the ban would come into force. Such a withdrawal could possibly have a severe impact on the Lithuanian economy as Carlsberg owns the countries’ leading brewery
Svyturys-Utenos Alus. The quote was later denied by Carlsberg, stating that ‘Mr Langeneckert’s words were misinterpreted’, and that the group would not withdraw from Lithuania’. (Source: Eucam, 06/17/11) Comment: In other countries the parliament not even dares to accept such a law.

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Media, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, societal effects, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

TOP NEWS: The Alcohol Industry Needs More Scrutiny

Mittwoch 1. Juni 2011 von htm

The influence of „Big Alcohol“ in the health arena deserves as much scrutiny as Big Pharma and Big Tobacco, especially in light of evidence of bias in funded research, unsupported claims of benefit, and inappropriate promotion and marketing by the alcohol industry, says a new editorial in this week’s PLoS Medicine. The PLoS Medicine editors argue that the statistics about problem drinking are troubling enough, but what also demands more attention and research is the influence of the alcohol industry on health research, government policy, and public perceptions of the harms and benefits of alcohol. … (Source: Medical News Today, 05/31/11)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alerts, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Research, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

USA: Marin Institute Says Don’t Forget Four Loko, Joose, and Tilt

Donnerstag 5. Mai 2011 von htm

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (APRIL 21, 2011) – Alcohol industry watchdog Marin Institute applauded 17 state attorneys general and San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera for their quick action to stop the latest supersized alcopop – Blast by Colt 45.
„State law-enforcers heard the national outcry,“ said Bruce Lee Livingston, executive director of Marin Institute. “Supersized alcopop Blast is too big, too potent and marketed to youth.”
The sickly sweet, 12% alcohol fruity-flavored beverage is sold in 23.5 oz. cans, which the attorneys general deemed “impossible to drink responsibly.” Marin Institute had mounted a petition campaign before the product’s official release on April 5, targeting the Metropoulos family – new owners of Colt 45 parent Pabst Brewing Company. Activists drew public attention to the dangerous brew and its exploitative viral marketing to young fans of hip-hop/rap star Snoop Dogg, the spokesperson and public face of the new product.
Minister Paul Scott, of Durham, NC-based Messianic Afrikan Ministry said, “We must stop these corporations from using the beautiful art of Hip Hop to destroy young minds. Music should instead be used to strengthen them.” … (Source: Marin Institute, 4/25/11)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alcopops, Alerts, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Politics, Prevention, Watchdogs, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

Eurocare Newsletter March-April 2011

Montag 18. April 2011 von htm

With: News from Eurocare, News From the EU, News From the WHO, New Research and Publications, Alcohol Industry News,
Upcoming Events and Questions from MEPs. (Source: Eurocare, 04/17/11)

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, consumption, Events, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs, WHO | Keine Kommentare »

Easy for minors to buy alcohol in European Union

Samstag 9. April 2011 von htm

Copenhagen’s bars willingly sold alcohol to 15-year old Swedes.
The work of young members of UNF, The Swedish Youth Temperance Association, reveals the actual strength of actions by the alcohol industry in the European Alcohol and Health Forum. Young UNF members from Sweden’s border regions to Denmark went to Copenhagen to conduct mystery shopping and the results give a clear signal: of in total 7 tested bars and pubs, Swedish minors were without problems able to buy alcohol 11 times. 4 out of these 7 places are part of a project of City of Copenhagen and the alcohol industry.
The City of Copenhagen runs a project, called “tryg den af” (engl.: “Have fun. Be safe”) together with the alcohol industry for responsible selling and serving. It is about certified bars and pubs that take responsibility for not selling alcohol to youth under the age of 18. How responsible selling and serving really is in Copenhagen was now revealed by UNF members. (Source: Press release activeeurope.org, 04/08/11)

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Availability, Beverage serving tests, consumption, European Alcohol and Health Forum, Global, Legal Drinking Age, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Statistics, Verhältnis-Präv., Youth | Keine Kommentare »

EUCAM: Scientific publications on Alcohol Marketing

Donnerstag 24. März 2011 von htm

Research topics:
* Research on the Impact of Alcohol Marketing
* Research on Effectiveness Policies to Regulate Alcohol Marketing
* Research on Alcohol Marketing and the Alcohol Industry
* Research on the Impact of Counter-Advertising
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/23/11)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Publications, Research, societal effects, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

USA: FTC to Review Alcohol Advertising Self-Regulation

Donnerstag 24. März 2011 von htm

Following the continued proliferation of alcohol advertising in social and traditional media outlets, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently announced plans to conduct another review of the effectiveness of the alcohol industry’s self-regulation of its own advertising campaigns. As noted in the Marin Institute’s 2008 report „Why Big Alcohol Can’t Police Itself: A Review of Self-Regulation in the Distilled Spirits Industry,“ the industry’s voluntary guidelines fail to protect underage youth from exposure to alcohol advertising. The FTC is currently seeking public comment until April 26, 2011 on the companies‘ compliance with ad placement provisions; status of third-party review of complaints; and industry data-collection practices. We encourage everyone concerned about the effects of alcohol advertising to submit comments here. Marin Institute will make our own comments available, so check back. (Source: Marin Institute Newsletter, 03/23/11)

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alerts, Allgemein, Global, Legal Drinking Age, Politics, Prevention, Research, societal effects, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

UK: Health Groups Accuse Government of Siding with Alcohol Industry

Montag 14. März 2011 von htm

The government is receiving a lot of criticism from a number of different health groups based on their refusal to sign up for a „responsibility deal“ regarding alcohol sales in England. The deal created by organizations like Alcohol Concern, British Liver Trust and the Royal College of Physicians is voluntary and encourages the drink industry to label the alcohol units on their beverages and to take on the problem of alcohol abuse. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 03/14/11) topnews.us, 03/14/11

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Alerts, Allgemein, Global, Labels, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

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