
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

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WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018

Freitag 21. September 2018 von htm


Brussels, Belgium, 21st September 2018

We are still number one but hopefully not for long – Europe’s alcohol consumption
WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health 2018

More than 3 million people died as a result of harmful use of alcohol in 2016, according to a report released by the World Health Organization (WHO) today. This represents 1 in 20 deaths. More than three quarters of these deaths were among men. Overall, the harmful use of alcohol causes more than 5% of the global disease burden.

Europe continues to have the highest per capita consumption in the world. The good news is that per capita consumption has decreased by more than 10% since 2010. However, Europe has the highest rates of current drinking among 15–19-year-olds, followed by the Americas (38%) and the Western Pacific (38%). School surveys indicate that, in many countries, alcohol use starts before the age of 15 with very small differences between boys and girls.

European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) wants to remind the European Institutions of the Council Conclusions on Cross-border aspects in alcohol policy – tackling harmful use of alcohol during the Estonian Presidency in December 2017.

Mariann Skar, Secretary General of Eurocare said:
“Juncker’s Commission has neglected and ignored alcohol policy. We are still waiting for decision on such, one might imagine, simple issue as whether consumers should have calories on the labels. Not to mention the missed opportunity of Audiovisual Media Services Directive to reduce exposure to alcohol advertising. Last but not least, we still have minimum excise duties from 1992. The progress we are seeing in Europe is because of courageous actions at a Member States level, countries such as Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Scotland, Finland have implemented progressive alcohol policy solutions’‘.

Member States have clearly shown that there is a will to do more to tackle alcohol related harm. Juncker’s Commission has to quickly increase its efforts to find a way to actualise these Council Conclusions.
Conclusions highlighted several areas of action and call on the European Commission to:

  • Produce and adopt a new EU Alcohol Strategy
  • Monitor and evaluate the adequacy of the current measures in the online advertising of alcoholic beverages
  • Support Member States in the framework of a new Joint Action – RARHA
  • Support research and studies in areas such as for instance cross-border purchases
  • Propose better provisions for alcohol labelling by the end of 2019

WHO’s Global status report on alcohol and health 2018 presents a comprehensive picture of alcohol consumption and the disease burden attributable to alcohol worldwide. It also describes what countries are doing to reduce this burden.

Source: Eurocare, 18/09/21

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol taxes, Alerts, Allgemein, consumption, Documents, English Website, Global, Health, Labels, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, Social Costs, Statistics, Watchdogs, WHO, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

Make Alcohol Policy Solutions The Priority They Should Be

Freitag 24. August 2018 von htm

69th IOGT World Congress urges governments to make alcohol policy the priority it should be and calls for Framework Convention on Alcohol Control.

42 countries, 77 delegates and 320 participants all together took part in the 69th session of the IOGT International World Congress. Together they issued the following declaration:

Make Alcohol Policy Solutions The Priority They Should Be

We, the delegates of the 69thIOGT International World Congress “Future Made Here”, gathered to galvanize fresh momentum in our efforts to tackle alcohol as major obstacle to sustainable development.

We note with alarm the lack of progress in preventing and reducing alcohol harm in countries around the world.

13 of 17 Sustainable Development Goals are adversely affected by alcohol. Every ten seconds a human being dies due to an alcohol-related cause. Globally, alcohol is the leading risk factor for premature death and disability among people between the ages of 15 to 49. Alcohol harm is decimating our families, hurting our communities, undermining our economic productivity, and impeding progress for all. All this is manufactured and fueled by the alcohol industry, their harmful products and unethical business practices, which include tax avoidance, pervasive marketing and industry self-regulation.

Not only is Big Alcohol ruthlessly pursuing profits with no regard for Human Rights, human dignity, and human well-being. The alcohol industry is also engaging in aggressive political activities to undermine, derail and obstruct evidence-based and cost-effective alcohol policy measures that would benefit people and societies.

We are deeply concerned about the fact that our governments are dangerously off track in fulfilling their commitments to promoting a better life for all through tackling alcohol harm.

Independent science shows that the alcohol policy best buys hold considerable and largely untapped potential to promote health,  foster development and to protect especially vulnerable groups like children and youth, women and people in deprived and marginalized communities. For example, a $1 investment in the alcohol policy best buy measures generates a return of $9 dollars. These alcohol policy best buys are important tools to help achieve the SDGs.

The lack of progress in policy implementation and enforcement since the adoption of the WHO Global Alcohol Strategy in 2010 make the need for a binding international agreement abundantly clear.

Therefore, we call for the adoption of a Framework Convention on Alcohol Control. In the era of the Agenda 2030, sustainable development will not be possible without renewed and high-level political commitment and persistent, evidence-based action to prevent and reduce alcohol harm.

It is high-time that governments make alcohol policy solutions the priority they should be in order to achieve development for all.

Source: IOGT International

Kategorie: adults, Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alerts, Alkoholindustrie, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, Development, Documents, Dokumente, Events, Global, Health, mortality, Non-communicable diseases, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

OECD launched its report “Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use”

Dienstag 12. Mai 2015 von htm

Yesterday, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched its report “Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use”, a report assessing alcohol policy scenarios. The report has been developed over the last years and the European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) welcomes the report and its strong recommendations for governments to implement evidence based and cost-effective alcohol policies.

Mariann Skar, Secretary General of the European Alcohol Policy Alliance, says: “Today OECD has presented a strong message to European Governments, the European Commission and the public health community. Even the most expensive interventions like health care and work place interventions are cost-effective and will give both an economic and health benefit when implemented. Most alcohol policies are not expensive to implement and leads to great health and economic benefits. Furthermore, the report shows the importance of addressing broad policy approaches such as price and marketing in addition to policies addressing only the ones who drink most”.

OECD launched its report yesterday at 11 am at OECD in Paris and at the Royal Statistical Society in London. The report and OECD press releases can be found here. 

The report comes in a time of great discussions on alcohol policies in the European Union. In April 2015, the European Health Ministers agreed on the need for common EU Alcohol Policies and addressed the need for more developments from the European Commission. Later the same month, the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling for a new EU Alcohol Strategy. These calls both respond to the lack of new initiatives from the European Commission, after the previous EU Alcohol Strategy which technically expired in 2012. The OECD report gives important knowledge to the discussion and policy recommendations to the Member States and the European Commission in their upcoming initiatives addressing alcohol related harm.
(Source: Eurocare)

Comment: Swiss politicians will ignore it as usual.


Kategorie: Allgemein, Global, Health, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Social Costs, societal effects, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

N: Government Takes Action against Passive Drinking

Donnerstag 5. Juli 2012 von htm

Every year, 1.5 million people in Norway are affected by others‘ alcohol consumption.
In this frame, the government is concerned about the increasing damage of alcohol, the result of the increasing alcohol consumption.

The report presented by the government assumes that 50 000 to 150 000 children living with their parents in Norway are in risk due to alcohol consumption.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/2/12) The Nordic Page Norway, 06/25/12

Kategorie: Allgemein, Children, consumption, Global, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

‚Statistics on Alcohol: England 2012‘ confirms continuing upward admissions trend

Mittwoch 6. Juni 2012 von htm

The latest annual statistics on alcohol for England 2012 have been released by the ONS, confirming a continuing rise in alcohol-related and primary alcohol attributable hospital conditions. Alcohol-related admissions rose 11% on the previous year with primary diagnosis conditions up 2.1%. Ns_logo

This comes despite falls since 2004 in the proportion of adults reporting drinking alcohol. Continuing admissions – many being long term conditions – are thought to be linked to decades of rising consumption prior to 2004. Additionally indications that amongst some groups, those who are drinking are drinking more.

Some key facts from the report include:

A 2.1% increase in primary diagnosis alcohol conditions (198,900 for 2010/11) since the previous year and a 40% increase since 2003 (142,000).
A 11% increase on alcohol-related admissions (based on attributable fractions) totalling 1,168,300 for 2010/11.This is more than twice as many as in 2002/03 (510,700). …
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 06/5/12)

Kategorie: Addiction, adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, consumption, Gender, Global, Health, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Treatment, Watchdogs, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

Ban alcohol adverts across Europe, urges alliance of experts

Dienstag 22. Mai 2012 von htm

Alcohol advertising should be banned in Europe in a bid to drive down excess boozing and associated ill health across the continent, concludes an alliance of experts in a new policy brief.

Alcohol is Europe’s most persistent and devastating addiction problem, says the Addiction and Lifestyles in Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project (ALICE-RAP), which brings together a network of over 150 researchers with expertise in many different aspects of addiction, including the social and economic impact. …

The briefing notes that the most effective and fairest policies are those which nudge people towards lower consumption, through price hikes, restrictions on availability, and advertising bans.

A minimum unit price, which the Scottish government announced its intention to introduce earlier this week, is supported by research, says the briefing. Scotland has opted for a 50 pence minimum unit price, while England is considering a 40 pence option. …

The evidence shows that alcohol adverts push people into higher and more harmful levels of consumption and trigger relapse among those trying to give up booze. Furthermore, it can encourage young people to start drinking, says the brief, which advocates a wholesale ban.

“Europeans drink more than twice the world’s average and alcohol represents the number one addiction problem in Europe today, greater than any other drug or gambling, “ said Dr Peter Anderson, Professor of Substance Use, Policy and Practice, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, and co-leader of the project, speaking at the report’s launch yesterday.

“Our aim with this policy brief is to help decision makers across the EU and beyond break the negative pattern of harmful alcohol consumption and costs by providing much needed scientific input to the discussion, which has long been dominated by the alcohol industry lobbyists,” he added.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, News, 05/21/12) onmedica.com, 05/17/12

Comment: Unfortunately many politicians do not like scientific input.

Kategorie: Addiction, Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Alerts, Allgemein, Availability, Binge Drinking, consumption, Events, Global, Health, Media, morbidity, mortality, Other Drugs, Parliaments / Governments, Personalities, Politics, Prevention, Price, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

UK: One in eight deaths before retirement is caused by alcohol, study finds

Dienstag 22. Mai 2012 von htm

One in eight deaths of UK adults under the age of 64 is caused by alcohol, an international conference on tackling problem drinking has heard.

The social cost of alcohol abuse has been estimated to be £240 a year for each European, with the annual bill for the NHS alone being £2.7 billion.

A major conference of addiction specialists from across the world is meeting at Newcastle University and organisers have called for England to follow Scotland and set a minimum price per unit.

They have also demanded a ban on advertising alcohol.
Too easy: Prof Eileen Kaner from Newcastle University said the government had to be bolder about tackling cheap alcoholl

In Europe, alcohol consumption is more than twice the global average and it represents the biggest addiction in the UK, greater than any illegal drug or gambling.

(Source: Alcohol Reports, News, 05/21/12) dailymail.co.uk, 05/16/12

Kategorie: Addiction, adults, Advertising, Alerts, Allgemein, Availability, Binge Drinking, consumption, Events, Global, Health, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Research, Social Costs, societal effects | Keine Kommentare »


Montag 21. Mai 2012 von htm

In the context of growing policy interest in pricing policy as a tool to address alcohol harms, researchers from the European Commission co-financed by the ALICE RAP project1 and RAND Corporation, organised an invitation-only meeting of policy-makers and researchers working on alcohol pricing and related issues.
The meeting aimed to address some of the specific questions policy-makers in the UK are confronting as they consider policy options. With a focus on excise taxation, minimum pricing, restrictions on promotions and discounts, and bans on below cost sales, some of the specific questions for discussion included:
· the implications of the various policy options for different segments of the population;
· the impact of different policies on fiscal revenue;
· pass-through from tax changes to consumer prices;
· the effects of pricing approaches on the use of other substances like tobacco and illicit drugs, illegal alcohol consumption, cross-border trade, etc.
· the difference for on- and off-trade sales of different pricing policies. ….
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 05/18/12) alicerap.eu

Kategorie: Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, consumption, Events, Global, morbidity, mortality, Other Drugs, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

Reducing Booze Consumption Better For Public Health And Economy, Australia

Sonntag 20. Mai 2012 von htm

According to a new study in the American Journal of Public Health, Australia could yield economic and health benefits by reducing its overall national yearly alcohol consumption.

In 2008, researchers estimated the economic benefits Australia could achieve in health, production and leisure, if the annual per capita consumption of alcohol would be reduced to a designated average yearly target of 6.4 liters per capita.

They discovered that reducing the annual per capita alcohol consumption by just 3.4 liters would save Australia’s health sector $789 million. The saving would be the result of one-third fewer cases of disease, deaths, lost working days and home-based production loss days. …
(Source: Medical News Today, 05/20/12)

our Online-Comment: Yes, this would be an advisable target for many other countries too. But politicians are more listening to the alcohol industry which is not willing to lose profit.

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, Global, Health, morbidity, mortality, Politics, Prevention, Price, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics | Keine Kommentare »

Event: Alcohol harms you, others and the society. Why does EU need an alcohol strategy?

Dienstag 15. Mai 2012 von htm

June 27th, 2012 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Location: Rue Wiertz 60, European Parliament, Brussels, B 1047, Belgium

The current EU Alcohol Strategy is coming to an end in 2012. However Europe is still the world’s heaviest drinking region-

– Alcohol is the world’s number one risk factor for ill-health and premature death amongst the 25 – 59 year old age group, a core of the working age population

– Alcohol related harm is 1 of the 4 risk factors for developing NCDs such as cancer and cardiovascular disease

– Social costs attributable to alcohol account for €155.8 billion

Due to the size of the problem and universal impact this problem requires a comprehensive, coordinated response from policy and decision makers at the European and national levels

This event will build on the Call for Action from 88 health and social NGOs from across Europe and will be an opportunity to address the issue in the European Parliament to ensure continuation of the efforts to tackle alcohol related harm.

For more informaiton please contact Eurocare Secretariat, aleksandra.kaczmarek@eurocare.org

Kategorie: Allgemein, Europaparlament / EU-Kommission, Events, Global, mortality, Non-communicable diseases, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

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