
Alkoholpolitik und Volksgesundheit

Archiv für die Kategorie 'Letters and comments to editors'

Au: No impact from safe alcohol use campaign

Donnerstag 8. März 2012 von htm

A major overhaul of guidelines for the safe consumption of alcohol seems to have had no impact on Australians.
Only 5 per cent of the population can identify safe drinking levels nominated in the National Health and Medical Research Council’s guidelines for reducing health risks from alcohol consumption.
The latest guidelines, which were published in 2009, say women and men can reduce their lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury by having a maximum of two standard alcoholic drinks a day.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/07/12) brisbanetimes.com, 03/06/12

Online comment: Before we can expect people to take notice of and accept drinking guidelines they must know why. But for decades the fields of information and propaganda have been left over to the alcohol industry, which may invest giant sums into advertising and marketing.

Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, drinking guidelines, Education, Global, Letters and comments to editors, Media, Prevention, Research, safe level, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

TOP NEWS: Alcohol-related collateral damage and the broader issue of alcohol’s social costs

Dienstag 9. August 2011 von htm

Commentary on Laslett et al. (2011).
In their paper, Laslett et al. [1] have done a service not just to the research community, but to the millions of people who are affected by alcohol production, distribution and consumption every day in every corner of the world. In brief, the authors have provided a national-level assessment of how the drinking of individuals can affect the social fabric of a society. The impact is widespread and significant in terms of psychological, physical, social and economic costs. Negative effects from others’ drinking were reported by over 70% of Australians in the past year, with 51% experiencing serious adverse effects. Although Australia may not be representative of countries with lower levels of per capita income and alcohol consumption, the article raises some fascinating questions about the ways in which alcohol-related problems are defined, conceptualized, measured, and controlled. For example, what other legally available consumer product (tobacco, automobiles, gambling, etc.) has a comparable negative impact on the majority of the population of an advanced industrialized country? … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/8/11)Addiction, 106, 1612–1613 onlinelibrary.wiley.com, 2011

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, consumption, Global, Health, Letters and comments to editors, morbidity, mortality, Personalities, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, TOP NEWS, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

UK: The tree of alcohol abuse (Essay)

Sonntag 1. Mai 2011 von htm

-and why its roots must be cut in other ways
BBC London has published a statistics showing that the number of London teenagers going to hospital with alcohol-related injuries has risen by 40% in the time of 2002 to 2007.
Doubtless a number that forces the British government to act, in order to combat teenage drinking. Their modest proposal lies in raising the legal drinking age to 21. Will older teenagers really behave in a more mature way than the kids of today?
Perhaps you should realize the root of all evil before you can come to a conclusion that definitely helps these pitiful teenagers.
Of course, there are many young people enjoying the taste of alcohol on a party, sometimes more boisterous, sometimes less.
All in all, alcohol is just an addition and not necessarily a forerunner of getting hammered. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 5/1/11) hausaufgaben-forum.net, 4/29/11 our Online-Comment: I find it positive that somebody takes up this question as one of several possibible measures in order to reduce alcohol problems in London or anywhere.
The question of the age limit is being discussed too in the USA, they have 21 and in News Zealand where it was changed from 21 to 18.
They main medical reason to have 21 as limit is the fact that the brain is not fully developed until 25. The risk of damaging the brain is high and there are many studies which proof it.
Whenever a government or a parliament decides a law it only makes sense when it is possible to push it through. That means it needs a big acceptance. This age limit would need a big acceptance by the adults who want the law but also by the teenagers who are concerned. And that is the main problem. As long as the society is not willing to take responsibility and show an other behavior in drinking and reduce the total amount of alcohol consumption, the young people will not see the necessity of changing their behavior either.
What the government could do in order to reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol related harm is very clear since the World Health Organization has accepted the Resolution on a global alcohol strategy in May 2010, signed by the British Government as well. Instead it cooperates with the alcohol industry and makes the problem even worse.
It is not necessary to drink to become an adult person. I know hundreds of personalities with good characters who never drank alcohol, I should say it makes you stronger if you can say no thanks and you will see who is worth to be your friend.

Kategorie: adults, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, Global, Internationales, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, Parliaments / Governments, Prevention, safe level, societal effects, WHO, WHO globale Alkohol-Strategie, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

South Africa: State declares war on alcohol abuse

Samstag 12. März 2011 von htm

The government is waging war on the alarming increase in the abuse of alcohol and drugs, and has warned of stricter legislation – including raising the legal age for alcohol consumption from 18 to 21.
In a hard-hitting statement, Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini said yesterday that the devastating effects of alcohol abuse had spurred the government to „prioritise this as a matter of urgency“.
„Alcohol and substance abuse is destroying families and the fabric of society. The shocking reality of the situation has strengthened our resolve to tackle the problem head-on,“ Dlamini told The Times. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/12/11) timeslive.co.za, 03/11/11 Comment: Good luck, my beloved South Africa. You have the political power to succeed. But do it without the alcohol industry! Take the WHO Global Alcohol Strategy.

Kategorie: Addiction, Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Availability, Children, consumption, Development, Driving under the Influence, Education, Global, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, Other Drugs, Parliaments / Governments, Personalities, Politics, Prevention, societal effects, Verhältnis-Präv., Verschiedene, Violence and crimes, WHO, WHO globale Alkohol-Strategie, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

NZ: Public urges stronger measures on alcohol reform

Samstag 5. März 2011 von htm

I am sitting on the Justice and Electoral Select Committee as we hear submissions on the Alcohol Reform Bill for two days in Auckland.
There have been so many powerful and moving submissions. Some brave individuals have shared their own stories of alcohol harm. Overwhelmingly submitters are urging that a decisive leadership role is taken in dealing with alcohol harm. Submitters illustrate time and again what research has shown and that is as a drug alcohol causes greater harm to others than to self. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 03/04/11) blog.labour.org.nz, 03/04/11 our Online-Comment:
It’s really funny how many “experts” discuss this problem without knowing the facts. One of the included problems is that information is not coming to the public. In May 2010 the World Health Organization has accepted with all member states a resolution on a Global Alcohol Strategy. The harm alcohol does and the effective measures to reduce the problems are shown in detail. Did the New Zealand people got this information? In many countries the alcohol lobby is so strong that medias and government health agencies did not dare to inform the public.
The WHO calls all of us “passive drinkers” because we all suffer directly or indirectly from alcohol-related harm and we pay during a lifetime without ever being asked an awful lot of money for alcohol-related social costs. (income tax, insurance premiums)
The best measure to reduce harm is to reduce consumption by higher alcohol prices. This reduces consumption in all groups. The majority, the moderate consumers have the best profit. They pay a little more taxes but have the full profit of less social costs. And everybody has the freedom to drink as much as he likes or want to afford. Our freedom is only restricted by the alcohol industry which forces us to suffer and pay the social costs they produce. They have the profits the public has to pay the damage.
To reduce the availability is the second best measure.
To bring down the BAC-limit would be very effective. If it is combined with strong controls. In Europe the result was a reduction of 15 to 20% in mortality, alcohol related accidents and injuries. And the effect remained for years. Why not use the experience of other countries and science?

Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, Driving under the Influence, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Passivtrinker, Politics, Prevention, Price, Social Costs, societal effects, WHO, WHO globale Alkohol-Strategie | Keine Kommentare »

Drinks companies spread liver disease as surely as mosquitoes do malaria

Mittwoch 23. Februar 2011 von htm

Food and alcohol firms are obliged to maximise profit. To include them in health policy planning is a recipe for disaster.
by Anna Gilmore and Jeff Collin
Alarm bells rang in the public health community when Andrew Lansley announced last summer that leading food and alcohol companies were being invited to join a „partnership“ with government to help address the obesity and alcohol epidemics. As further details of the Public Health Responsibility Deal for alcohol emerge, much through investigative work by the Guardian, the bells ring ever louder.
The Public Health Responsibility Deal, part of the government’s „big society“ idea, is just one of several such deals. For alcohol and obesity, it brings together large numbers of food and alcohol company representatives with far fewer government and public health representatives in a series of „networks“ charged with encouraging and enabling consumers to adopt better diets and drink sensibly. However, full details of their function or how they relate to broader public health policies have yet to emerge. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 02/22/11) guardian.co.uk, 21 February 2011 our Comment: This is a very competent article. But most of the readers are not informed enough to understand and accept it. Education is needed. Not in order to reduce alcohol harm but to understand the problem and which control measures are necessary to reduce consumption and alcohol related harm. We are all passiv-drinkers. We suffer from reduced quality of life and we pay without beeing asked to, our whole life for immense alcohol related social costs. This is a big loss of freedom.

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Availability, Binge Drinking, consumption, Education, Global, Health, Letters and comments to editors, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs | Keine Kommentare »

Newsletter January 2011 – e –

Freitag 28. Januar 2011 von htm

www.alkoholpolitik.ch Newsletter January 2011  (issued 01/29/11)

Dear English speaking reader, dear friends,

I am glad to send you examples of the new entries on my website. See the website for more entries.
After modernising the website we had to alter the look of this newsletter too. We have split the articles in two separate language newsletters, German and English. With a mouseclick on the titles you come to the original article where you find also the links to the source. We hope to meet your requirements. It is now much shorter and better to read. Anyhow we are willing to improve it when you give us a feedback with proposals. Please check, if you have included our address in your list of accepted addresses that your SPAM-filter doesn’t exclude our newsletter.

3773 articles in 133 categories and with 9568 main expressions (tags) since 1/1/2009.

If you shouldn’t like to receive this newsletter anymore or wish to order a copy for someone else, please just send a short e-mail to:  htmeyer(at)alkoholpolitik.ch

Kind regards
Yours Hermann T. Meyer

Letter sent with e-mailed Newsletter

In England there is still a discussion going on about the value of minimum prices of alcoholic beverages. They talk on such low prices that there can’t be any effect at all. The alcohol lobby is just too near to the government.

In the USA after the elections there are now new efforts in some of the states to liberalize existing alcohol laws, as the political powers have changed. In other states they still try to rise alcohol taxes in order to help covering a budget deficit. It’s a pity they don’t rise taxes to get a reduction in consumption and save money as well.

There are some countries which try to reduce alcohol consumption, e.g. Turkey, Sweden and Australia. The alcohol industry has on the other hand found new fields to expand with their dangerous products, e.g. South of Sudan, Vietnam.

May be one of the best jokes this month came from the Smirnoff distiller’s head of corporate social responsibility in the UK, Mark Baird, who told this week a Parliamentary committee that there is no evidence of a link between pricing and alcohol harm. “There’s no evidence that pricing does work,” Baird told the House of Lords Science and Technology. That is the best proof pricing influences consumption and harm. The alcohol industry never agrees to measures which reduce its profits.

This Newsletter comes out a bit earlier as usual, for technical reasons.



USA: Supersized Alcopops are a Public Health Threat – 28. Januar 2011
Tell your state legislators to bring these dangerous products down to size.
Recent federal government action banned seven dangerous caffeinated alcoholic beverages. The worst offenders are now back, minus the stimulants, as supersized, 23.5 oz., single serving cans of sweet, 12% alcohol content alcopops.
Drinking one can = 4.7 standard drinks!
Now it’s up to the states to protect the health and safety of young people from new, high-alcoholic content, monster-size alcopops. Tell your state legislators to codify the federal ban on caffeinated alcoholic beverages, and while they’re at it, ban supersized alcopops too. Take Action! Comment: I hope those alcopops will not come to Europe!

USA: Model Bill to Ban Caffeine and Bring Alcopops Down to Size – 26. Januar 2011
Marin Institute is now offering states model legislation to expand last year’s federal ban on seven dangerous caffeinated alcoholic beverages by the Food and Drug Administration. The model bill also restricts the size and alcohol content of the new reformulated products and other youth-friendly alcopops. “Our model bill offers states an important tool to help mitigate this public health problem while ensuring that stimulant-laced products do not return to the market,” said Michele Simon, Marin Institute’s research and policy director. For more information, see the press release and download the entire bill here.

“The seven key messages of the alcohol industry” – 2. Januar 2011
Introduction: The alcohol and tobacco industry sell products that can be dangerous to our health. For this reason, governments take action by, for example, raising taxes, enforcing age limits, prescribing warning labels and restricting advertising and sponsoring.
Literature shows that the “industry”—the alcohol and tobacco companies—have traditionally worked closely together, sharing information and concerns about regulation. They have used similar arguments to defend their products in order to prevent or delay restrictions being placed on them (Bond, et al. 2010).
The intention of this brochure is to inform professionals about the attempts made by the alcohol industry to influence alcohol policy globally and to subsequently arm them against the industry’s methods to prevent effective policies from being made. (Source: EUCAM, 01/02/11) “The seven key messages of the alcohol industry” (pdf) Comment: Very often public health professionals who are not involved in alcohol control policy are not informed what’s happening in this field. And in the political debate they are helpless. This brochure could make a difference.


Ga, USA: State Senate files bill for Sunday alcohol sales – 26. Januar 2011
Legislation paving the way for Sunday alcohol sales in grocery and convenience stores has been filed in the state Senate
New Gov. Nathan Deal says he will sign legislation for Sunday alcohol sales in stores if bill comes to his desk
Deal’s predecessor, Sonny Perdue, had pledged to veto a Sunday alcohol sales bill and previous legislation stalled in the Republican-led General Assembly. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/26/11) mysouthwestga.com, 01/25/11 our Online Comment: It’s good for business. Always the profit to the alcohol industry and the social costs, the harm to the people. But they are so stupid blind.

USA: Again: Rape is not an “Alcohol-Realted Problem” – 26. Januar 2011
In 2008, there were a number of posts on this blog about a rape at the University of Iowa that was terribly mishandled by the school. In the aftermath of publicity about the school’s “poor judgment,” a number of changes were made. The university president publicly apologized, two administrators involved in the case were fired, and the sexual assault policy was revised. A new article (in a Texas newspaper, the Victoria Advocate, oddly enough) following-up on the case also shows that in 2009 the school hired a sexual misconduct response coordinator who was trained to assist victims and make sure they “get treated with care.” … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/26/11) by Sarah M in: Campus news,General commentary safercampus.org, 01/25/11 our Online Comment: Talking about alcohol in the context of rape makes sense. Most of sexual violence has to do with alcohol. To reduce harm is one way to tackle the problem. Having lessons on sexual violence is an other way which is necessary too. But to start with the most effective measure is good. The other question is if the University finds the right way to reduce alcohol consumption on the campus. Most of the Universities haven’t found yet a good solution, because there is a lot of money involved. E.g. advertising. There’s a new study this month.

USA: Virginia Governor’s Office Resorts to Name-Calling – 26. Januar 2011
Don’t Shoot the Messenger – We had a feeling that Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell wasn’t too interested in science when we highlighted his attempt last fall to privatize the control system of alcohol sales in his state. Numerous members of the state legislature as well as the media questioned his outlandish revenue predictions and how he was ignoring the facts.
Now it seems his obsession with privatization and inability to accept reality has spread to his staff. Source: Marin Institute, 01/25/11)

Ireland: Call for minimum price for alcohol and restrictions of its sale – 25. Januar 2011
Alcohol Action Ireland has demanded restrictions on the sale of alcohol and for the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol.
Alcohol Action Ireland is the national charity for alcohol-related issues. It called for all political parties to commit, in the run-up to the election, to doing something about the detrimental impact of alcohol on children…. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/25/11) newswhip.ie, 01/25/11

Alcohol Reports 4/2011 – 25. Januar 2011
News from different countries, worldwide, 01/25/11

USA: Cars Fueled by Four Loko? – 25. Januar 2011
Unfit for human consumption, banned cans of high-octane Four Loko are being recycled into ethanol — and used in gasoline, Scott Hensely reported Jan. 7 in NPR’s Health Blog.
You know the story: after numerous reports of hospitalizations and other related harms, national regulators sent warning letters to four companies that produced caffeinated alcoholic beverages (CABs) warning them caffeine was an unsafe and unapproved additive. (While some states are struggling to actually get the drink off the shelves, some of the companies’ reformulated products, including Four Loko, have reappeared on store shelves with just as much alcohol and sugary sweet, but without the caffeine.) … (Source: Join Together, 01/21/11)

USA: Students Wanted for ‘Big Bowl Vote 2011′ – 25. Januar 2011
Teachers and middle- and high-school students: here’s your chance to “Get in the Game” by participating in this informal national survey that will help measure the impact of alcohol advertising from the Super Bowl.
The Drug-Free Action Alliance of Ohio is calling for young people from across the country to participate in the “Big Bowl Vote 2011″ on Feb. 7, the day after the Super Bowl. The survey is intended to gauge which commercials the students remember and prefer — and to help students more-thoughtfully evaluate alcohol advertising. (Source: Join Together, 01/24/11)

USA: Alcohol Regulation Roundup – 24. Januar 2011
In national news: The Federal Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is proposing a bill that would require all producers of beer, wine, and spirits to include bottle labels that lists the nutritional content and ingredients of their products. Larger producers of alcohol look on this favorably, which isn’t surprising. Such a bill is likely to eliminate much of the competition they have been experiencing lately with the craft beer and small-wine movement, as smaller producers will be less able to afford the additional costs of determining nutritional contents of each variety of wine, beer, or spirits, and the cost of the labels. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/24/11) openmarket.org, 01/24/11

USA: Op-Ed: Time to stop the alcohol nonsense – 24. Januar 2011
This weekend, a Stanford undergraduate was brought to the emergency room at Stanford Hospital with a blood-alcohol level (BAC) of .40. There is evidence that “approximately 50 percent of all people with a BAC of .40 or higher will die.” Happily, because the coin flip landed the right way, the student survived.
While the Stanford community did not have to bury this student, this “coin flip” death should lead to the burial of three extremely destructive beliefs about alcohol. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/24/11) standforddaily.com, 01/24/11

USA: Extended Deadline For Youth Video Contest! – 22. Januar 2011
Due to Nasty Winter Weather. New Deadline – Midnight, January 27, 2011 Free the Bowl

Diageo rejects link between pricing and alcohol harm – 21. Januar 2011
The Smirnoff distiller’s head of corporate social responsibility in the UK, Mark Baird, has this week told a Parliamentary committee that there is no evidence of a link between pricing and alcohol harm.
“There’s no evidence that pricing does work,” Baird told the House of Lords Science and Technology committee yesterday (19 January). His comments show that the UK drinks industry’s biggest producer is sticking to its guns, despite the Government’s announcement this week that it will ban drinks sales at ‘below tax’ prices. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/21/11) just-drinks.com, 01/20/11 Comment: That is the best proof pricing influences consumption and harm. The alcohol industry never agrees to measures which reduce its profits. …

USA: Maryland Lawmakers Consider Dime-a-Drink Alcohol Tax – 21. Januar 2011
Maryland may raise alcohol taxes for the first time since 1972 by a dime a drink, Delmarvanow.com reported Jan. 14. Maryland last raised its tax on beer and wine in 1972, and its tax on spirits 54 years ago, in 1957. Its wine tax ranks 37th-lowest in the nation, its beer tax 44th, and its tax on spirits 47th.
Some legislators said the tax could partially offset the state’s $1.6 billion deficit and reduce alcohol abuse and alcohol-related costs. (Source: Join Together, 01/20/11)

UK: Proposed Minimum Alcohol Price Levels Inadequate – 21. Januar 2011
…, Say North West Health Campaigners.
Government proposals for minimum alcohol price levels that will ban shops and bars from selling drinks for less than the tax they pay on them are totally inadequate and will have little or no impact on improving public health, according to North West health campaigners Our Life.
Our Life believes that the government has missed an opportunity to stop supermarkets selling alcohol at pocket-money prices. Commenting on the proposals, Our Life chief executive, Dr Alison Giles, said: “These measures, which stop well short of setting a minimum unit price, will have little or no impact in tackling binge drinking and the rising tide of public order and health harms.” (Source: Medical News Today, 01/19/11)

USA: Alcohol industry grapples with nutrition labeling – 20. Januar 2011
Pick up just about any beverage on store shelves and on the back of the packaging you’ll find a numerical rundown of calories, carbs, etc. Unless, that is, the beverage is alcohol.
Some folks want to change that.
“In the year 2011, it’s sort of bizarre that alcohol’s the only consumable product sold in the United States that you can’t tell what’s inside the bottle,” says Guy L. Smith, executive vice president in North America for Diageo, the world’s leading distilled spirits, beer and wine company.
Diageo is supporting a proposal presently before the federal Tax and Trade Bureau — the agency with authority over alcohol labels — to list nutrition information such as calories, carbohydrates, serving size and alcohol per serving. But not everyone in the industry is as enthusiastic. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 1/20/11) mddailyrecord.com, 1/20/11 our Online-Comment: The European Union is also working on labels. But they have excluded alcoholic beverages at all, because the alcohol industry is against it. Maybe they follow when the USA begin. The effect on general consumption will be little.

USA: Nebraska Mulls Ban on Sponsored Drinking Games – 20. Januar 2011
To reduce drunk driving, Nebraska’s Liquor Control Commission is considering a ban on drinking games sponsored by suppliers or bars, the Associated Press reported Jan. 10.
The commission has focused on drinking games like beer pong because they “encourage overintoxication, which has a societal risk, a societal harm,” according to Hobert Rupe, who directs the commission.
“The problem with a lot of these games is if you’re drinking a lot of alcohol rapidly, in a short amount of time, you’re not going to realize you’re at that state until it’s too late,” he said. Under the proposed regulations, a bar that violated the ban could lose its liquor license. (Source: Join Together, 01/19/11)

USA: CADCA’s 2011 National Leadership Forum – 20. Januar 2011
Nearly 3,000 substance abuse prevention and treatment specialists will convene Feb. 7-10 near Wash., D.C., for Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s (CADCA) annual National Leadership Forum. Headlining the conference are Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Howard Koh MD, Ph.D., Assistant Secretary of Health for the U.S. Health and Human Services Department, who will both provide keynote addresses during the National Leadership Plenary on Feb. 8. (Source: Join Together, 01/19/11)

Sri Lanka alcohol healthcare restrictions criticised – 19. Januar 2011
The government plans to introduce charges for treating alcohol-related illnesses.
A union representing doctors in Sri Lanka has protested against government plans to stop free healthcare for those addicted to alcohol.
The health ministry is planning to stop free health care to “alcohol-addicts” from next month.
The union says the new measure jeopardises doctor-patient relations because medics are required to provide a health report for each patient….(Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/19/11) bbc.co.uk, 01/17/11

UK: Minimum Alcohol Pricing – Good or Bad? – 19. Januar 2011
I read with great interest earlier, this BBC News article about the Coalition Government’s plans to bring in a minimum price for alcohol in England and Wales.
In the Coalition Agreement, it was stated that: “We will ban the sale of alcohol below cost price”. Ministers are now fleshing out their proposals to make this a reality.
It will work by banning shops and bars from selling drinks for less than the tax paid on them. It is hoped that this will send a signal that the Government is clamping down on the sale of extortionately cheap alcohol. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/19/11) johnmarkcole.blogspot.com, 01/18/11 our Online Comment: It is fine to have an ideology. Then you don’t need thinking. …

THE GLOBE 3 2010 – 18. Januar 2011
Content, e.g.: * Alcohol, HIV and Public Health
* Alcohol and tobacco ‘more harmful than cannabis and ecstasy’
* Tax increases ‘superior to minimum prices’
* Facebook updates alcohol guidelines
* Eurocare Presses for Ingredient Labeling on Alcohol
* Convergence in teenage drunkenness in Western countries (Source: GAPA, The Globe)

EU: The European Alcohol and Health Forum – 18. Januar 2011
Second Monitoring Progress Report, 15 December 2010

USA: Too drunk? Your car won’t go along for the ride – 15. Januar 2011
The technology developed in the past decade to sniff out terrorist bombs eventually could be used to combat another scourge: drunk drivers.
Researchers funded by auto manufacturers and federal safety regulators are working on sensory devices – to be installed as standard equipment on all new vehicles – that would keep a vehicle from starting if the driver has had too much to drink.
(Source: Harvard World Health News, 01/14/11) washingtonpost.com, 01/08/11

Maryland: Polls Show Public Support For Alcohol Tax Increase – 15. Januar 2011
An increase in the state alcohol tax is on the to-do list of the Maryland General Assembly, and some recent polls show much of the public wouldn’t be against it.
A coalition of health care advocates is lobbying to increase the tax at the wholesale level. The trickle-down effect would mean consumers pay 10 cents more per drink, but it would generate more than $200 million a year. A statewide poll found that 66 percent of voters support an increase, 42 percent strongly favor the money be spent on health priorities, and 39 percent favor using the revenues to offset the deficit. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/15/11) wbaltv.com, 01/14/11

Alcohol, Malaysia and the Constitution – 14. Januar 2011
The Selangor Islamic Religious Council (MAIS) legal advisor, Nurhani Salwa, says local councils are free to formulate their own guidelines based on existing Syariah provisions to ban Muslim workers from working in entertainment centres that serve alcohol. She told this to Komunitikini, commenting on the MPSJ alcohol-ban controversy.
She says that their authority to do this is based on Section 18 (2) of the Syariah Crimes Enactment of Selangor 1995, which states that Muslims are prohibited from manufacturing, selling, offering to sell, displaying to sell or purchasing any alcoholic drinks. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/14/11) komuniti.mlaysiakini.com, 01/14/11

Alcohol abuse among young women on US campuses quadrupled – 14. Januar 2011
There is an essay in this month’s The Atlantic called “The Hazards of Duke: A now infamous PowerPoint presentation exposes a lot about men, women, sex, and alcohol—and about how universities are letting their female students down” by Caitlin Flanagan, likely of interest to feminist philosophers.
There a few themes in the article but one of them is the increased rates of drinking among college aged women. I haven’t heard much about this before and I’m interested to know what blog readers make of the article. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/14/11) feministphilosophers.wordpress.com, 01/13/11 with our Online-Comment

USA: Md. on tap for alcohol-tax fight
– 14. Januar 2011
Maryland lawmakers are readying for a fight to raise the state’s alcohol tax.
Members of the Senate health committee asked the state’s health secretary on Thursday for studies on Maryland’s drinking habits and how consumption in other states has been affected by changes in the alcohol tax. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/14/11) the Washington Examiner, 01/13/11

USA: Alcohol Withdrawal in the E.R.: A Maze of Red Tape – 14. Januar 2011
You’d think recent advances in health reform would have made it easier to get mental health and substance abuse treatment. Parity legislation, for example, requires insurers to cover mental health and substance abuse treatment comparably with physical health.
Think again. In a Jan. 3 New York Times article, “A Long and Winding Road to the Emergency Room,” Paul Christopher, M.D., a Rhode Island psychiatrist, describes the case of an adult man so dependent on alcohol that he suffered seizures when he went without it.… (Source: Join Together, 01/13/11)

Maryland, USA: Miller says increase to alcohol tax is ‘nonsense’ – 13. Januar 2011
Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller this morning had sobering words for those advocating a hike on beer, wine and liquor taxes: The proposal is “nonsense,” he said. “It is not going to happen,” said Miller, who has instead pushed for a hike in the state’s gas tax. Miller, House Speaker Michael E. Busch and Gov. Martin O’Malley participated this morning in an annual legislative issue forum hosted by radio host Marc Steiner.
The conversations were largely dominated by talk of budget cuts. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/13/11) weblogs.baltimoresun.com, 01/12/11 Comment: Commentators say he owns a bar. This is only a discussion on fiscal matters. Nobody sees the impact on public health.

USA: New Campaign: State Control – 13. Januar 2011
In response to increasing attacks by industry on the rights of states to regulate the sale, distribution, and transportation of alcohol, Marin Institute has launched a new campaign: State Control. This campaign is designed to help protect the authority granted to states by the 21st amendment, guaranteeing their right to use regulation to protect their citizens from the public health dangers presented by an unregulated alcohol industry. Please visit our new State Control campaign page here.

USA: Jefferson Parish’s new alcohol review committee flexes rediscovered muscles – 12. Januar 2011
For more than two decades, the codified method to regulate which businesses could sell alcohol in Jefferson Parish had lain dormant. That changed in March, and the newly constituted Alcohol Beverage Permit Review Committee has kicked its operations into high gear.… (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/12/11) nola.com, 01/11/11

USA: The Free The Bowl contest – 11. Januar 2011
The Free The Bowl contest is open to youth 10-20 years old. The deadline for 30-60 second counter-beer-ad video entries is January 24, 2011. Winners will be announced during the Free The Bowl 2011 World Premiere, February 3, 2011, at the Smith Rafael Film Center in San Rafael, California. (Source: Marin Institute, 1/11/11)

S: Government plan to fight substance abuse – 11. Januar 2011
The Swedish center-right government has presented a four-year plan to reduce the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and narcotics – especially among the youngsters. While nation-wide statistics show a general decrease, abuse among young people is on the increase. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 1/10/11) sverigesradio.se, 1/07/11

S: Risky job to review beverage serving – 11. Januar 2011
Three out of ten municipal alcohol administrators have experienced threats in connection with their work of inspecting alcoholic beverage serving at restaurants and pubs, according to a survey among the country’s all 308 alcohol administrators in Sweden. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 1/10/11) stockholmnews.com, 1/08/11

USA: Police Bust Alcohol-Fueled House Party In Laconia – 10. Januar 2011
Several Minors Charged With Possession Of Alcohol.
Police responding to a report of a loud party at an apartment at 177 Mentor Drive at about 1:30 a.m. noticed several juveniles inside the apartment were drinking and holding alcoholic beverages, according to a police news release.
When the officers knocked on the door, the juveniles locked the door and refused to let them in, police said. Numerous beer cans were then thrown over the third-story deck behind the apartment and another officer witnessed the occupants dumping alcohol into a sink, police said…. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/09/11) wmur.com, 01/08/11

Advertise ‘Off your Face(book)’: Alcohol in online social identity construction – 8. Januar 2011
…and its relation to problem drinking in university students”.
Introduction and Aims: Alcohol is a key component of identity exploration for many young people, yet few studies have investigated identity construction in relation to problematic drinking. Increases in youth alcohol consumption have coincided with expanding use of communications technologies, particularly social networking sites (SNS), which have altered traditional conditions of identity construction. I… (Source: Alcohol Reports, 1/7/11) onlinelibrary.wiley.com, 1/7/11

USA: Alcohol May Come With A New Kind Of High:Taxes – 5. Januar 2011
Alcohol may soon come with a new kind of high. It’s not stronger proof. It’s a higher tax.
Alex DeMetrick reports supporters of a “Dime a Drink Tax” think they have a shot at making it happen in Maryland. If you like to pull a cork, you might pay an extra 10 cents for every glass. It’s called the “Dime a Drink Tax,” and it would hit all alcoholic drinks, if Maryland’s legislature approves it this year. For supporters like health care providers, this may be a good thing. “Alcohol excise tax is a win-win for the state. They provide much needed revenue, and reduce alcohol consumption and related problems,” said David Jernigan, Johns Hopkins professor.
(Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/04/11) baltimore.cbslocal.com, 01/04/11 our Online-Comment: Everybody should understand that: – We are all passive drinkers, as the World Health Organization tells us. We suffer under reduced life quality and pay the whole life long terrific amounts for social costs because of alcohol….

Prevention Of Bad Lifestyle Habits – 5. Januar 2011
… Should Be Tackled Even Before 13 Years, According To PhD Thesis Defended At University Of The Basque Country
Bad eating habits, ingestion of alcohol, sedentary lifestyles all unhealthy life habits that are already being detected in early adolescence and that are especially predominant amongst women and young people between the ages of 19 and 26. The prevention campaigns should take very much into consideration these groups at risk and even take into account those less than 13 years. … (Source: Medical News Today, 01/04/11)

Alcohol and public health policies in India – 4. Januar 2011
By K. S. JACOB, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, Vellore 632002, Tamil Nadu, India; ksjacob@cmcvellore.ac.in
ABSTRACT: Extreme policies of prohibition or the current permissive strategies are counterproductive and call for a nuanced public health approach that integrates both the regulation of availability of alcohol as well as helps in rigorously enforcing the law. …. The WHO’s global strategy for alcohol and governmental and non-governmental efforts can be used synergistically to produce sustained action. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/03/11) Natl Med J India 2010;23:224–5

Brochure: Alcohol And Your Health: Make Informed Choices – 4. Januar 2011
The AMA released a brochure containing practical advice to help Australians to be more knowledgeable and responsible about alcohol consumption. (Source: Medical News Today, 01/03/11) ama.com.au, 12/28/10

USA: New Year Resolutions to Help Sober Up our ‘High Society’ – 4. Januar 2011
By Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
The New Year is a time for resolutions and here are my suggestions for some of those responsible for curbing drug and alcohol abuse and addiction:
For doctors: Resolve to take responsibility to treat substance abuse and addiction with the same medical professionalism devoted to other diseases.
For medical schools: Resolve …. (Source: The Chairman’s Corner, 01/03/11) our Online-Comment: I find the wishes to the Obama-administration and to all of us are too weak. …

USA: Fort Lauderdale mulls loosening Sunday alcohol laws – 3. Januar 2011
Want to enjoy a mimosa with Sunday morning brunch at a chic restaurant on Las Olas Boulevard?
Sorry. You have to stick with the orange juice only. That champagne bottle can’t be uncorked.
Unlike many other cities in South Florida from Miami Beach to Wilton Manors, Fort Lauderdale prohibits alcohol from being sold before noon on Sundays. Restaurateurs and bar owners are mounting an effort to change that longstanding ordinance. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/01/11) weblogs.sun-sentinel.com, 01/01/11 with our Online-Comment: When this law was decided, the lawmakers had the intention to prevent alcohol problems. The best measure is to rise prices, the second best to limit availability of the product. At the end the restriction on Sunday was left. From a christian point of view there are several reasons to prevent alcohol problems. …

Underage Drinking Related ER Visits And Death Will Skyrocket New Year’s Day – 1. Januar 2011
On New Year’s Day 2009, there were an estimated 1,980 emergency department visits involving underage drinking, compared to 546 such visits on an average day. That accounts for a staggering 263% increase according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drowning. (Source: Medical News Today, 12/31/10)

USA’s Drunkest Cities Are Milwaukee, Fargo And San Francisco – 1. Januar 2011
Milwaukee comes out top in America’s 40 drunkest cities, published by The Daily Beast, followed by Fargo, San Francisco, Austin and Reno. The average adult in Milwaukee consumes 12.76 alcoholic drinks each month, 7% of all its people aged over 18 years are alcoholic, while 21.9% are binge drinkers. 3.9 people per 100,000 in Milwaukee die from alcoholic liver disease. (Source: Medical News Today, 12/31/10)


UK: Fall in alcohol related deaths – 28. Januar 2011
ONS data: lifestyle survey highlights drinking differences
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released data showing alcohol-related deaths have fallen since 2008, but remain significantly higher than the early 1990s. Results from the General LiFestyle Survey (GLF), formerly the General Household Survey (GHS), were also released highlighting drinking and smoking differences between between socio-economic groups. (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 01/28/11) alcoholpolicy.net, 01/28/11

Review of public opinion towards alcohol controls in Australia – 28. Januar 2011
Increasing concern about the negative impact of alcohol on the Australian community has renewed calls for tighter regulatory controls. This paper reviews levels of and trends in public support for liquor control regulations, regulation of alcohol promotions, and alcohol pricing and taxation reforms in Australia between 1998 and 2009.
Conclusions: Implementation of targeted alcohol policies is likely to be strongly supported by the Australian public, but universal controls are liable to be unpopular. Policy makers are provided with insights into factors likely to be associated with higher public support. (Source: biomedcentral.com, 01/27/11)

USA: Emergency Department Visits Involving Underage Alcohol Use in Combination with Other Drugs – 27. Januar 2011
● Of the estimated 188,981 alcohol-related emergency department (ED) visits made by patients aged 12 to 20
in 2008, 70.0 percent involved alcohol only, and 30.0 percent involved alcohol in combination with other drugs
● Illicit drug use was indicated in more than two thirds (68.4 percent), and pharmaceutical drugs were involved
in more than one half (55.1 percent) of ED visits involving alcohol in combination with other drugs among patients aged 12 to 20 … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/27/11) dawninfo.samhsa.gov, 01/13/11

Atrial Fibrillation Risk Increased by Alcohol Intake – 23. Januar 2011
Not consuming any alcohol is recommended for reducing the risk of atrial fibrillation
Alcohol consumption increases the risk of atrial fibrillation, according to a meta-analysis published in the Jan. 25 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Satoru Kodama, M.D., Ph.D., from the University of Tsukuba Institute of Clinical Medicine in Ibaraki, Japan, and colleagues carried out electronic literature searches of MedLine and Embase to identify studies measuring the effect of habitual alcohol intake on AF. …(Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/22/11) doctorslounge.com, 01/21/11

Australia: Consumption of Alcohol: 1944-45 to 2008-09 – 22. Januar 2011
SUMMARY: For most of the past 50 years apparent consumption of alcohol in Australia has increased, from around 68 million litres of pure alcohol in 1960-61 to 183 million litres in 2008-09. However, in per capita terms (that is, average alcohol consumption per person aged 15 years and over) a different picture emerges, with Australia experiencing periods of both increasing and decreasing apparent per capita consumption (Graph 1). …

UK: Alcohol pricing research – 21. Januar 2011
In early 2010, the previous government commissioned three pieces of research on alcohol pricing. This research has been considered as part of the review of alcohol pricing and the individual reports are available to download below.
* Economic impacts of alcohol pricing policy options in the UK (PDF file – 938kb)
This report will be of interest to government officials dealing with alcohol issues and will contribute to the UK government’s policy- and decisionmaking to address alcohol-related harms. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/18/11)

USA: CDC: Prescription Drug Overdoses and Binge Drinking Vary by Race, Income – 21. Januar 2011
In a first-of-its-kind report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) broke down data on health disparities by race, ethnicity, income, and education, The New York Times reported Jan. 13.
The report included data on the impact of alcohol and drug use on different segments of the United States population. For example, more Americans now die from prescription drug overdoses than from illicit drugs. In particular, White, non-Hispanic deaths from prescription drug overdoses outnumber those of African-Americans. (Source: Join Together, 01/20/11)

USA: 8% Of Fans Legally Drunk After Prof. Sports Games – 21. Januar 2011
First Study To Measure Blood Alcohol Levels After Games Finds 8 Percent Of Fans Legally Drunk After Attending Professional Sports Games.
It’s no secret that there is a lot of alcohol consumed by fans at sporting events, …A new study published online in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (ACER) finds that BAC levels can be measured using a breath tester on fans as they exit football and baseball events. And the results show that 60% of the fans had zero BAC, 40% had a positive BAC, and nearly 8% were legally drunk. (Source: Medical News Today, 01/19/11)

Alcohol-related mortality and the density of private liquor outlets – 19. Januar 2011
Impact on alcohol-related mortality of a rapid rise in the density of private liquor outlets in British Columbia: a local area multi-level analysis.
To study relationships between rates of alcohol-related deaths and the density of liquor outlets and the proportion of liquor stores owned privately in British Columbia (BC) during a period of rapid increase in private stores.
Multi-level regression analyses assessed the relationship between population rates of private liquor stores and alcohol-related mortality after adjusting for potential confounding. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/18/11)

UK: The likely impacts of increasing alcohol price – 19. Januar 2011
…a summary review of the evidence base.
‘Below cost’ ban announced as duty + VAT re-opens pricing debate.
The Government has announced the ‘below cost ban’ will be defined as the rate of duty + VAT, despite concerns from critics that few drinks are sold below this level. A Home Office press release said “This is an important first step in delivering the government’s commitment to ban the sale of alcohol ‘below cost’ price.”
However some media reports described the measures as ‘minimum pricing’, a different approach based on cost per unit. See here for the differences between a below cost ban and minimum pricing. The ban on sales below a duty + VAT rate has been calculated as preventing retailers from selling… (Source: Alcohol Policy UK110119 / Home Office, January 2011

Risk and Protection Factors for Substance Use Among Young People – 18. Januar 2011
This report presents the results of a study of substance use among young people in Ireland based on information collected in 2008 during face-to-face interviews with 991 people, aged between 15 and 18. The target population comprised school-attending students and young people who, having left school, were attending either a Youthreach centre for education or FÁS Community Training Centre. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/18/11) nacd.ie, October 2010

Ca: Binge drinking: all too prevalent and hazardous – 18. Januar 2011
Alcohol use is the third greatest contributor to the global burden of disease, estimated to cause 3.8% of all deaths. Among people aged 15 to 44 years, alcohol is estimated to result in 4.6% of all disability-adjusted life years lost and a disproportionate number of fatal injuries. 2 Heavy drinking is classified as the consumption of more than 210 g of alcohol per week for men and more than 140 g per week for women, owing to differences in clearance and body size. As a metabolic poison, heavy alcohol use is associated with cardiovascular disease, oral cancers and liver cirrhosis. As an intoxicant, it causes dependency, injuries and trauma as well as substantial social harms. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/18/11) cmaj.ca, CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.110029 our Online-Comment: In May 2010 the General Assembly of the World Health Organization held in Geneva accepted with all votes of the 193 member states a Resolution on a global Alcohol Strategy. In it the evidence-based measures are listed which reduce the general consumption of alcohol in a given society. No need to wait any longer.

USA: Energy Drinks Don’t Blunt Effects Of Alcohol – 16. Januar 2011
Marketing efforts that encourage mixing caffeinated “energy” drinks with alcohol often try to sway young people to believe that caffeine will offset the sedating effects of alcohol and increase alertness and stamina.
But a new study led by researchers from the Boston University School of Public Health and the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University has found that the addition of caffeine to alcohol — mixing Red Bull with vodka, for example — has no effect on enhancing performance on a driving test or improving sustained attention or reaction times. (Source: Medical News Today, 01/15/11)

UK: Only 2 in 5 adults correctly identify unit content – 15. Januar 2011
Only two in five adults (42%) recognise how many alcohol units are in common drinks, according to research by Drinkaware. The survey also found that less than a third of adults (29% of women and 32% of men) can correctly state the recommended daily unit guidelines for their respective gender. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/15/11) alcoholpolicy.net, 01/13/11

Alcohol’s harm to others – 14. Januar 2011
… reduced wellbeing and health status for those with heavy drinkers in their lives.
The impact of alcohol on those other than the drinker is an under- researched area with important policy implications. … There is a relationship between exposure to heavy drinkers and reduced personal wellbeing and poorer health status in this cross-sectional general population sample. Exposure to heavy drinkers may have negative impacts for others. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/14/11)

Much advice about the effects of drinking proves to be false – 14. Januar 2011
From doctors to bartenders to new year’s resolutionaries, there’s no shortage of people offering advice about alcohol. Now take a look at what scientists have found when they put some conventional wisdom under the microscope. … (Source: Washington Post, 01/11/11)

USA: Family History of Alcoholism Ups Obesity Risk – 14. Januar 2011
A family history of alcoholism could make people more likely to overindulge on junk food, Reuters reported Dec. 31. To assess whether familial alcohol dependence was linked to obesity, Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) researchers compared national survey data on obesity and addiction from 1991-1992 with data from 2001-2002. Roughly 80,000 U.S. adults completed the surveys.
Based on the 2001-2002 data, women who reported having an alcoholic parent or sibling had a 49% higher risk of obesity than women with no family history of alcoholism — a much higher association than that shown in 1991-1992. …(Source: Join Together, 01/13/11)

USA: 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) – 13. Januar 2011
Data and Reports Released With Improved Access.
NSDUH is the primary source of information on the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco by the civilian, noninstitutionalized population of the United States age 12 or older. The survey is also a source of national estimates on mental health measures such as serious mental illness, other mental illness, depression, and treatment. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/11/11)

Social Class And Changes In Mortality From Liver Cirrhosis Over The 20th Century – 12. Januar 2011
A paper describing a dramatic change during the 20th century in England and Wales in the association between social class and mortality from liver cirrhosis features in Alcohol and Alcoholism. While deaths from cirrhosis were more common among higher social classes in the early part of the century, the pattern changed so that deaths from cirrhosis were much more common among the lower social classes by the end of the century. … (Source: Medical News Today, 01/11/11)

USA: Acculturation Stress Linked to Substance Use in Latino Teens – 12. Januar 2011
Acculturation stress may be part of the reason some Mexican and Mexican-American teens living in the U.S. report high rates of marijuana and alcohol use, Fox News Latino reported Dec. 30. …
The study, led by Jennifer A. Kam, assistant professor of communications at Ohio State University, found that increases in perceived discrimination over time were related to increases in acculturation stress, which in turn were associated with increased risk of alcohol, pot, and tobacco dependence. (Source: Join Together, 01/11/11)

USA: PSU alcohol program saw 800 students in first semester – 11. Januar 2011
“We offer 20 appointments each day, and for the entire semester we have been pretty much filled every day,” said Linda LaSalle, associate director for educational services at University Health Services.
The nationally recognized program, called Brief Alcohol Screening and Intervention for College Students (BASICS), is aimed at reducing high-risk drinking. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/11/11) centredaily.com, 01/10/11

USA: Woman Accused Of Serving Alcohol To Underage Guests – 11. Januar 2011
Arrest Report Says More Than 100 Juveniles Attended Open-House Party.
VERO BEACH, Fla. — A Vero Beach woman was arrested Saturday night after she hosted an open-house party where alcohol was served to more than 100 underage guests, the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office said. Laura Bloom was arrested on charges of open house party and contributing to the delinquency of a child, both misdemeanors. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/11/11) wpbf.com, 01/10/11

Consumption Report 2010: Swedes’ alcohol consumption – 11. Januar 2011
Despite the fact that the Swedish Alcohol Retail Monopoly’s sales are rising and statistics from Statistics Sweden indicate that we drink more and more alcohol, the trend is going in the opposite direction – Swedes’ alcohol consumption is falling. This emerges from the Consumption Report 2010 (Konsumtionsrapporten 2010) published by the Centre for Consumer Science at the University of Gothenburg. …. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/11/11) juraforum.de, 11.1.11

Nail And Hair Samples Show Alcohol Consumption Over Last 90 Days – 11. Januar 2011
United States Drug Testing Laboratories (USDTL) launched two new tests for monitoring long-term alcohol exposure on Friday. Using fingernail and hair specimens, the new assay is the first and only test to report a donor’s alcohol exposure for the past 90 days reliably. (Source: Medical News Today, 1/10/11)

Midlife Alcohol Consumption and Later Risk of Cognitive Impairment – 11. Januar 2011
A Twin Follow-up Study
Abstract: In this prospective follow-up study, we monitored the effects of midlife alcohol consumption and drinking patterns on cognitive impairment risks in late life. 1,486 subjects recruited from the Finnish Twin Cohort were included in the analyses. …Our results add to the evidence that light to moderate alcohol use is associated with a lower risk of cognitive impairment compared with higher levels of consumption. In addition, binge drinking was found to be an independent risk factor for cognitive impairment. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 1/10/11) j-alz.com, Volume 22, Number 3 Comment: The role and type of abstainers in this study is not clear.

Measuring costs of alcohol harm to others: A review of the literature – 11. Januar 2011
Introduction: People other than the drinker experience harmful consequences from alcohol misuse, accounting for part of the economic burden to society. Little has been done on costing harm to others.
Conclusion: Few studies have reported costs on the magnitude from harm to people other than the drinker, therefore the overall economic burden of risky alcohol consumption across countries is underestimated. This review may be considered a starting point for future research on costing alcohol harm to others. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/10/11) National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia, Available online 28 December 2010. sciencedirect.com

Alcohol Reports – 7. Januar 2011
Many new studies reported. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/07/11)

Chilean Scientists Develop First Vaccine Against Alcoholism – 7. Januar 2011
If tests on humans are successful, one jab a month would keep patients away from the toxic sauce known as alcohol.
Chilean scientists derived the vaccine from a genetic mutation present in 20% of the Asian population; those with the mutation in their genes reacted so violently to alcohol, that it inhibits addiction, according to Juan Asenjo head of the project. The Chilean scientists in essence tried to replicate that gene in a vaccine.
The vaccine is expected to augment dizziness, nausea and other adverse effects of alcohol, “With the vaccine, the desire to drink is going to be minimal, due to the sharpness of the effects” said the physician. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/07/11) hispanicallyspeakingnews.com, 01/06/11

Parenting strategies for reducing adolescent alcohol use – 7. Januar 2011
a Delphi consensus study.
Background: International concern regarding the increase in preventable harms attributed to adolescent alcohol consumption has led to growing political and medical consensus that adolescents should avoid drinking for as long as possible. For this recommendation to be adopted, parents require strategies they can employ to prevent or reduce their adolescent’s alcohol use that are supported by evidence.
Conclusions: A comprehensive set of parenting strategies for preventing or reducing adolescent alcohol consumption were identified. These strategies can be promoted to parents to help them implement national recommendations regarding adolescent alcohol use. (Source: BMC Public Health 2011, 11:13doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-13)

In Resveratrol Biology Longevinex Exhibits L-Shaped Safety Curve – 6. Januar 2011
It was Paracelsus, the Renaissance physician (1493-1541 A.D.) who first said “the dose makes the poison.” So, you can drink too much wine, or ingest too much resveratrol, but in an unprecedented study, heart researchers report they couldn’t find a toxic dose for Longevinex®, a resveratrol-based dietary supplement. (Source: Medical News Today, 01/05/11) Comment: This mouse-study could show, that it is resveratrol which protects the heart and not alcohol. Therefore alcoholfree grape-juice should be propagated to a big extent, not wine with its side effects. But it’s an old story.

Alcohol at the Movies – 4. Januar 2011
Films popular in Europe feature more drinking episodes per movie than their equally popular American counterparts, according to a report by the European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing (EUCAM).
The trend toward incorporating name brand alcohol in movie scenes as a form of product placement took off more than a decade ago. In 1999, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission reported that in the two previous years, “eight reporting alcohol companies placed alcoholic products in 233 motion pictures and in one or more episodes of 181 different television series.” (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/02/11) addiction-dirkh.blogspot.com, 01/01/11

Alcohol behind almost all murders in Queensland, Australia – 4. Januar 2011
ALMOST every murder committed in Queensland during the past year was suspected to involve alcohol, crime statistics show.
It comes as police investigate a death at a park in Cairns at the weekend, which is also believed to be alcohol-related.
Homicides were up to 56 in 2009-10 compared with 49 the previous year, and only six did not involve alcohol or drugs. …( Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/03/11) heraldsun.com.au, 12/30/10

Drinking Motivations and Experiences of Unwanted Sexual Advances Among Undergraduate Students
1. Januar 2011
This study examined the relationship between drinking motivations and college students’ experiences with unwanted sexual advances. Undergraduates, from a public university in the mid-Atlantic region, who reported recent (30 day) alcohol use ( n = 289) completed an online survey midway through the spring 2007 academic semester.
A strong relationship was found between having an unwanted sexual advance and recent binge drinking as well as drinking to remove emotional distress. Findings suggest that experiencing an unwanted sexual advance is associated with specific drinking motivations and more likely to occur among females. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/01/11) jiv.sagepub.com, January 2011

Finland: Older adults’ own reasoning for their alcohol consumption – 1. Januar 2011
Conclusions: Older adults have diverse alcohol consumption habits like people in other age groups. The oldest olds reported that they use alcohol for medicinal purposes. The “at-risk users” admit they use alcohol because of meaningless life, and relieving depression, anxiety, and loneliness. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/01/11) onlinelibrary.wiley.com, 12/29/10

Signs Of Social Alcoholism – 1. Januar 2011
– The Link Between Alcohol Abuse and Social Anxiety
People who suffer from social anxiety (sometimes suffering anxiety attacks also) may resort to the point of drinking alcohol to alleviate these extreme feelings of nervousness and in some cases without realizing it, end up engaging in alcohol abuse. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 12/31/10) prlog.org, 12/30/10

Risk For Alcoholism Linked To Risk For Obesity – 1. Januar 2011
Addiction researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that a risk for alcoholism also may put individuals at risk for obesity.
The researchers noted that the association between a family history of alcoholism and obesity risk has become more pronounced in recent years. Both men and women with such a family history were more likely to be obese in 2002 than members of that same high-risk group had been in 1992. (Source: Medical News Today, 12/31/10)

Hermann T. Meyer, Projekte und Dienstleistungen, Lindenstr. 32, CH-8307 Effretikon, Switzerland,
Tel. +41 (0)52 343 58 75, Fax: +41 (0)52 343 59 29         e-mail
Copyright © 2001-2011: Hermann T. Meyer. All rights reserved.
Texts from third persons do not necessarily reflect our own opinion. If you use our texts for distribution, please state the source. Last entry: 01/28/11

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Alcopops, Availability, Binge Drinking, Driving under the Influence, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs, WHO, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

UK: Minimum Alcohol Pricing – Good or Bad?

Mittwoch 19. Januar 2011 von htm

I read with great interest earlier, this BBC News article about the Coalition Government’s plans to bring in a minimum price for alcohol in England and Wales.
In the Coalition Agreement, it was stated that: „We will ban the sale of alcohol below cost price“. Ministers are now fleshing out their proposals to make this a reality.
It will work by banning shops and bars from selling drinks for less than the tax paid on them. It is hoped that this will send a signal that the Government is clamping down on the sale of extortionately cheap alcohol. (Source: Google Alcohol News, 01/19/11) johnmarkcole.blogspot.com, 01/18/11 our Online Comment: It is fine to have an ideology. Then you don’t need thinking.
There is a lot of talking about personal freedom. What about my freedom when the alcohol industry forces me to pay a life long the huge alcohol related social costs? The World Health Organization has mentioned that we all are Passive Drinkers. We all suffer from the harm of alcohol consumption. Taxes are ridiculous low.
Everybody is free to consume according to its income. Drinking alcohol is not a human right. It is better to fight for jobs with an income which enables everybody to live a decent life, instead of giving cheap alcohol to keep the poor calm and down.
What about my personal freedom, when the media do not give the necessary information I need to discuss this matter and ask for the right measures to be taken by the government, because they are alcohol lobbyists? Did you know that in May 2010 the World Health Organization accepted with all 193 votes of the member states a resolution on a global alcohol strategy? In it the alcohol related harm on society and the evidence based measures for harm reduction are listed. Governments only had to implement those proposals, but instead they try everything which wouldn’t harm the alcohol industry. The industry keeps the profit, society pays the social costs in money and in life, etc.

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, Media, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Social Costs, Violence and crimes, WHO, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

Ca: Binge drinking: all too prevalent and hazardous

Dienstag 18. Januar 2011 von htm

Alcohol use is the third greatest contributor to the global burden of disease, estimated to cause 3.8% of all deaths. Among people aged 15 to 44 years, alcohol is estimated to result in 4.6% of all disability-adjusted life years lost and a disproportionate number of fatal injuries. 2 Heavy drinking is classified as the consumption of more than 210 g of alcohol per week for men and more than 140 g per week for women, owing to differences in clearance and body size. As a metabolic poison, heavy alcohol use is
associated with cardiovascular disease, oral cancers and liver cirrhosis. As an intoxicant, it causes dependency, injuries and trauma as well as substantial social harms. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 01/18/11) cmaj.ca, CMAJ 2011. DOI:10.1503/cmaj.110029 our Online-Comment: In May 2010 the General Assembly of the World Health Organization held in Geneva accepted with all votes of the 193 member states a Resolution on a global Alcohol Strategy. In it the evidence-based measures are listed which reduce the general consumption of alcohol in a given society. No need to wait any longer.

Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Availability, Binge Drinking, Global, Health, Legal Drinking Age, Letters and comments to editors, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Research, Social Costs, Statistics, Verhältnis-Präv., Watchdogs, WHO, WHO globale Alkohol-Strategie, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

USA: New Year Resolutions to Help Sober Up our ‘High Society’

Dienstag 4. Januar 2011 von htm

By Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
The New Year is a time for resolutions and here are my suggestions for some of those responsible for curbing drug and alcohol abuse and addiction:
For doctors: Resolve to take responsibility to treat substance abuse and addiction with the same medical professionalism devoted to other diseases.
For medical schools: Resolve to give more than the usual two or three hours to teach the subject of substance abuse and addiction. Then medical students won’t have to wait until their clinical training, residencies and fellowships to learn how alcohol and other drug abuse and addiction cause and exacerbate most ailments and accidents they will confront as family doctors, general surgeons or cancer or other specialists. …. (Source: The Chairman’s Corner, 01/03/11) our Online-Comment: I find the wishes to the Obama-administration and to all of us are too weak. We have to inform about the WHO-Resolution on a global Alcohol-Strategy, which gives exact proposals what we can do to reduce the alcohol related harm. The people and the politicians cannot discuss the matter without this information. That’s why the lobbying of the alcohol industry is still too strong and effective.

Kategorie: Alerts, Allgemein, Global, Health, Letters and comments to editors, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Personalities, Politics, Prevention, Social Costs, Watchdogs, WHO, Youth | Keine Kommentare »

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