Mittwoch 31. August 2011 von htm Newsletter July/August 2011 (issued 08/31/11)
Dear English speaking reader, dear friends,
I am glad to send you examples of the new entries on my website. See the website for the complete entries.
We have split the articles in two separate language newsletters, German and English. With a mouseclick on the titles you come to the original article where you find also the links to the source. We hope to meet your requirements. It is now much shorter and better to read.
4676 articles in 148 categories and with 11’650 main expressions (tags) since 1/1/2009.
Online August 2001 – August 2011
Kind regards
Yours Hermann T. Meyer
Text with Newsletter 1107/8e
Dear reader, dear friends,
This is the last Newsletter in connection with my website. I shall not work any longer intensively on After 10 years I think that I have contributed enough regarding individual volunteering and alcohol prevention, which followed 45 years of active NGO volunteering in this field.
The website stays open and may be used as archive. Sometimes I shall probably include an article as a blog. Perhaps you will have a look from time to time.
For your interest, some positive feedback, interesting links or for using my articles I want to thank you. Critics from counterparts were pushing me in finding better arguments and didn’t hurt me, although some PR-people have gone to great trouble to do so.
I want to thank as well the alcohol institutions which thought about a different continuation of the website. After careful reflection I decided as mentioned above.
Especially I want to thank all those who honestly take care to go on this way towards a more healthy, less dangerous and happier life for our people. As UN and WHO are engaging themselves now, it seems that we can have some hope.
At the end my hearty thanks go to my smaller circle of friends and family members which has supported me and enabled me to accept this challenge during ten full years and hold out in spite of all problems.
Now to the alcohol policy news of the last 1 ½ months:
The Marin Institute in California announced its new name and vision: Alcohol Justice. To hold the industry accountable for the harm alcohol inflicts upon our many diverse communities. They use research, media and organizing to expose the industry’s products and practices, and actively advocate for effective policies such as increasing alcohol prices, restricting youth-oriented products, limiting ubiquitous and inappropriate alcohol advertising, and supporting state alcohol control.
I wish them success and enough finances to manage.
Italy has introduced the case of “road murder” which can be applied also for drunk drivers. Let’s hope this has a preventing effect.
An „International Scientific Forum on Alcohol Research“ has started in German speaking medias a campaign against the „WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health for 2011“. This alcohol-lobby organization criticizes that the report only mentions the negative aspects of alcohol. It seems as if the alcohol industry is getting nervous.
In view of September’s summit on non-communicable diseases (NCD) where world leaders will meet at the United Nations in New York, the BMJ raises serious concerns regarding the “powerful sway” of the tobacco, alcohol, food and drug industries as international governments prepare to agree global targets to cut avoidable deaths from chronic diseases.
The Addiction editorial by Robin Room, Jürgen Rehm and Charles Parry argue that in order to reduce the burden of NCD, effective alcohol policies should be implemented locally, nationally and internationally.
Best regards
Yours passive-drinker
Hermann T. Meyer
TOP NEWS: “Powerful Sway” Of Industry To Cut Avoidable Deaths From Chronic Diseases, BMJ Raises Concern – 25. August 2011
In view of September’s summit on non-communicable diseases where world leaders will meet at the United Nations in New York, the BMJ raises serious concerns regarding the “powerful sway” of the tobacco, alcohol, food and drug industries as international governments prepare to agree global targets to cut avoidable deaths from chronic diseases. … (Source: Medical News Today, 08/25/11)
Heineken, Google, and a Hundred Million Minors – 24. August 2011
Heineken, the world’s third-largest brewing company, has signed a landmark partnership with Google aimed at taking over our computer screens – and marketing to our children. The advertising deal is estimated to reach at least 103 million minors under the age of 18 per month, plus several million more underage youth between the ages of 18 and 20 worldwide. Heineken ads will be concentrated on Google’s YouTube and will involve homepage takeovers and pre-roll ad slots. YouTube receives about 490 million visitors per month, of which an estimated 21% are under age 18. Other alcohol advertisers such as Anheuser-Busch InBev (Bud Light) have previously bought standard YouTube pre-roll ad space, but no alcohol company has ever entered into such an extensive deal that will reach so many young people. (Source: Alcohol Justice, 08/24/11)
USA: Victory in Los Angeles – 24. August 2011
City Council Votes 11-1 to Prohibit Alcohol Ads on Bus Benches
On August 19, 2011, the Los Angeles City Council approved a 10-year contract that prohibits alcohol ads on 6,000+ bus benches. “The impact of underage drinking on Los Angeles is devastating, taking young lives and creating enormous financial costs,” stated Council Member Richard Alarcón. “I’m proud that the City of Los Angeles has chosen to prohibit alcohol advertisements on City bus benches — it is the responsible choice for Los Angeles and sends an important message that the City does not condone or promote underage or irresponsible drinking.” Next step: Alarcón introduces a motion to prohibit alcohol ads on all city-owned & controlled property. For the press release, click here. (Source: Alcohol Justice, 08/24/11)
Journal Addiction calls for action on alcohol and NCD – 20. August 2011
The Addiction editorial by Robin Room, Jürgen Rehm and Charles Parry point out that this year the United Nations General Assembly sessions,will hold a special session on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), emphasizing the importance of addressing such diseases in order to reduce the global burden of illness.
Together with smoking, diet and physical inactivity, consumption of alcohol is among the four most important risk factors for non-communicable disease (NCD). Alcohol consumption, especially heavy consumption, impacts on cancer, liver cirrhosis and stroke. To reduce the burden of NCD, effective alcohol policies should be implemented locally, nationally and internationally, argues the authors. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/17/11)
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has released a new definition of addiction highlighting that addiction is a chronic brain disorder and not simply a behavioral problem involving too much alcohol, drugs, gambling or sex. This the first time ASAM has taken an official position that addiction is not solely related to problematic substance use. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/15/11)
Alcohol-related collateral damage and the broader issue of alcohol’s social costs – 9. August 2011
Commentary on Laslett et al. (2011).
In their paper, Laslett et al. [1] have done a service not just to the research community, but to the millions of people who are affected by alcohol production, distribution and consumption every day in every corner of the world. In brief, the authors have provided a national-level assessment of how the drinking of individuals can affect the social fabric of a society. The impact is widespread and significant in terms of psychological, physical, social and economic costs. Negative effects from others’ drinking were reported by over 70% of Australians in the past year, with 51% experiencing serious adverse effects. Although Australia may not be representative of countries with lower levels of per capita income and alcohol consumption, the article raises some fascinating questions about the ways in which alcohol-related problems are defined, conceptualized, measured, and controlled. For example, what other legally available consumer product (tobacco, automobiles, gambling, etc.) has a comparable negative impact on the majority of the population of an advanced industrialized country? … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/8/11)Addiction, 106, 1612–1613, 2011
California: Caffeinated-beer ban signed by governor – 6. August 2011
Companies will no longer be able to produce or sell beer infused with caffeine in California starting Jan. 1 after Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday signed legislation introduced because of the health risks of the beverages.
Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Pacoima) wrote SB 39 in response to several incidents in which young drinkers were hospitalized for alcohol overdoses while using caffeinated beer. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/3/11), 08/1/11
Today the Marin Institute announces its new name and vision: Alcohol Justice – 28. Juli 2011
We are now called “Alcohol Justice,” the one and only alcohol industry watchdog. Our laser focus is on the world’s most harmful drug, and the companies that make and market it. This rebranding of Marin Institute reflects our global mission: To hold the industry accountable for the harm alcohol inflicts upon our many diverse communities. We use research, media and organizing to expose the industry’s products and practices, and actively advocate for effective policies such as increasing alcohol prices,restricting youth-oriented products, limiting ubiquitous and inappropriate alcohol advertising, and supporting state alcohol control. (Source:, 07/27/11) Click here to learn more about our new name, “Alcohol Justice.”
Alcohol News – 35/2011 – 31. August 2011
e.g.: YLE News (Finland/Estonia) – Alcohol tourism to Estonia set to increase
YLE News (Finland) – Study: Finns unfazed by summer binge drinking
The (Sweden) – Swedish alcohol monopoly launches ‘booze camera’ iPhone app
Drunken Swedes can now record their boozed-up antics with a new iPhone app launched on Monday by a subsidiary of the country’s state-owned alcohol monopoly. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/30/11)
Russians need good wine, not vodka – Medvedev – 29. August 2011
Russia’s winemaking industry should be developed to help tackle widespread alcohol abuse, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday.
“Winemaking is one of the branches that should be developed and contribute to the eradication of alcoholism. Countries where this branch is strong, have no problems with alcohol abuse,” the president said at a meeting with the governor of Russia’s southern Krasnodar Territory, Alexander Tkachev. Medvedev said problems with alcohol abuse stem from “other drinks.” … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/27/11) Comment: Wine producing countries have no alcohol-problem. Very funny.
NZ: Alcohol select committee continues to disappoint communities – 26. August 2011
The Drug Foundation today expressed surprise that the Justice and Electoral Committee recommended only tinkering to the Alcohol Reform Bill, saying that many thousands of submitters had expected much greater improvements to the Bill.
The Committee received an unprecedented 8,822 written submissions, and in-fact had to split themselves in half in order to hear from the more than 352 oral submitters.
“The vast majority of submitters urged the Committee to strengthen the Bill, particularly asking for tougher controls over alcohol advertising and an increase to the price of alcohol, which were measures first recommended by Sir Geoffrey Palmer’s Law Commission report,” said Drug Foundation executive director Ross Bell. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/25/11), 08/25/11 Read Full Bill
New York: State Busts More Than 100 Bodegas For Selling Alcohol To Underage Customers – 24. August 2011
More than 100 bodegas across the city were busted for selling alcohol to underage customers during a three-day sting by the State Liquor Authority.
The State Liquor Authority visited 212 stores beginning Monday, sending six young men and women inside while a state investigator looked on. At 123 of the undercover visits – or about 58% – the decoys, ages 18 to 20, successfully bought booze.
Of the bodegas visited by the SLA, the Bronx had the highest citation rate. Thirty-eight of the 48 stores – about 79% – sold alcohol to underage spies in the borough. Manhattan wasn’t far behind with 75% of the bodegas selling to customers under the age of 21. …
The state mailed violations to the 123 stores for selling alcohol to minors. First-time offenders face $2,500 fines. Repeat offenders can be slapped with fines of up to $10,000. Business owners can lose their liquor licenses after a third offense. (Source: Join Together, 08/23/11), 08/19/11
UK: Portman Group will monitor Responsibility Deal labelling pledge – 23. August 2011
The Portman Group, the industry’s social responsibility body, is to monitor and report on the industry’s progress on the voluntary labelling pledge.
The pledge to provide responsible drinking information on 80 per cent of alcohol labels on UK shelves by 2013 was set out as part of the Government’s controversial Responsibilty Deal earlier this year.
In a press release, the Portman Group said they would monitor and report publicly on the industry’s progress towards the labelling goal. They are contacting all companies who signed up to the pledge asking them to re-affirm their commitments. A database summarising the pledges, companies and brands involved will be published at a later date. … (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 08/22/11) Comment: The Portman Group will like this job as labelling is not much preventive.
New smartphone app aims to stop drunken driving – 23. August 2011
The Missouri Department of Transportation is getting into the smartphone app business with one aimed at stopping drunken driving.
The “Show Me My Buzz” application helps users determine their estimated blood-alcohol concentration, or BAC, by typing in the number of drinks they’ve had, how long they’ve been drinking and their gender.
The app typically recommends using a designated driver but also will help the user find the phone number of a local cab company, if necessary. … (Source: Alcohol Reports – News, 08/22/11), 08/19/11
Philippines may increase alcohol, tobacco tax take – 23. August 2011
The Philippine government will push a proposal to index taxes on alcohol and tobacco products to inflation that could raise around $1.4 billion in revenues as one of 13 priority bills in Congress this year, President Benigno Aquino said on Tuesday. …
For alcohol products, the bill proposes a uniform rate for three years before the tax is indexed to inflation.
However, the revised alcohol tax still provides for a different tariff on products made using local materials — a provision which the WTO says is discriminatory. … (Source: Alcohol Reports – News, 08/22/11), 08/16/11
Ghana: Checking Road Accidents – 23. August 2011
The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) has embarked on a novelty cause to help check the carnage on our roads. With effect from October, this year, the union is introducing alcometers at all lorry parks to check alcohol levels of drivers. It has also ordered for some reflectors for acquisition by drivers.
These two initiatives by the drivers’ union is highly commendable as they are very bold attempts at putting its house in order. The National Chairman of the GPRTU, Alhaji Yaw Manu, disclosed this at the Seventh Upper West Regional Delegates Conference of the union in Wa. … (Source: Alcohol Reports – News, 08/22/11), 08/22/11
Alcohol adverts soon to be on Norway cable TV(?) – 23. August 2011
New EU regulations could force the Norwegian government to overturn its current ban on alcohol advertising.
Labour’s (Ap) long hard-fought battle to retain the ban on advertising booze is now hanging by a thread following statements by the EU. Norway will not be exempt from the new European Union TV Directive (AVMSD).
European Commission Vice-President, Neelie Kroes wrote to the government saying it has no choice but to adopt it.
Deputy Foreign Minister Erik Lahnstein said to NRK this was an example of uncommon EU “plainspeaking”.
“The EU says it is consideration for the internal market that weighs heaviest, not Norwegian public health arguments. This puts the government in a difficult situation.” … (Source: Alcohol Reports-News, 08/22/11), 08/18/11 our online-comment: The European Union seems to be an economical union only. Not a union for the people. I hope Norway finds a way to resist.
AU: Debate over warning labels on alcohol heats up – 20. August 2011
HEALTH warnings linking alcohol with dire outcomes such as brain damage and cancer have been backed by health groups but described as potentially ”alarming” by an industry-backed group.
The fight over safety labels between the health sector and the multibillion-dollar liquor industry is warming up just as the federal government finally begins formal consultations today on long-awaited warnings, introduced in the United States 22 years ago. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/18/11)
USA: MADD National President: Tools to Reduce Underage Drinking – 20. August 2011
As we prepare to send kids back to classrooms for another school year, it’s important to equip parents and caregivers with the tools for talking with their children about alcohol. This issue is especially personal for me because my beautiful 15-year-old daughter, Alisa Joy, was killed by an underage drunk driver. While the pain of losing a loved one to drunk driving is devastating, we at Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) are committed to educating families about how to prevent such needless tragedies.
Teen alcohol use kills 6,000 young people each year, more than all other illegal drugs combined. However, research shows that three out of four teens say their parents are the number one influence on their decisions about alcohol. So it makes sense to provide parents with the tools to effectively harness their tremendous influence. … (Source: Join Together, 08/19/11)
Ireland’s Drinking Culture Isn’t Romantic, It’s Deadly – 16. August 2011
by Fiona Ryan, Director of Alcohol Action Ireland, the national charity for alcohol-related issues.
WE LOVE TO talk about Ireland’s alcohol culture – it allows us to speculate about how we drink and why we drink, without ever actually doing anything about it.
We can engage in romantic notions of the dark Celtic soul, or question if as a nation we just have an addictive personality. In the meantime, one person dies every seven hours from an alcohol-related cause. Alcohol is the biggest killer of young people in Ireland and 100,000 kids – enough to fill Croke Park and then some – are impacted by their parents’ drinking. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/15/11), 08/10/11
Zimbabwean Ministers Disown Proposed Tougher Alcohol Sales Policy – 16. August 2011
Ministers from all three governing parties said there are many issues needing more urgent attention than regulating alcohol without clear research showing its consumption is a serious national problem.
Some members of Zimbabwe’s Cabinet are distancing themselves from reports that the government is drafting a tough national alcohol policy that will regulate the sale of beer and other intoxicating beverages with sales forbidden after noon on Sundays. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/15/11) voanews, 08/8/11 Comment: Now we can see that many politicians in Western World are on the same level as in Zimbabwe.
Ghana: Psychiatrist says alcohol should be declared health hazard – 16. August 2011
Koforidua, Aug 9, GNA – Dr Eugene Dordoye, a psychiatrist with the Ghana Health Service (GHS), has suggested that alcohol should be declared a public health hazard. He said alcohol intake was resulting in many diseases claiming lives but because alcohol was not a national health issue its related diseases were not being measured. Dr Dordoye, who spoke to the GNA after addressing a five- day Youth Alive Camp in Koforidua, said alcohol effects were measured by the psychiatric hospitals because of its known effects on mental health. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/15/11), 08/10/11
Finland: Scanners could reveal contraband on interstate rail services – 16. August 2011
The Finnish Customs and Finnish State Railways (VR) are planning closer inspection of express train services between Finland and Russia. A scanning of an entire train was tested for the first time in Helsinki on Tuesday.
Currently on-board train inspections are carried out using sniffer dogs in addition to a manual check of all possible hiding places. This procedure is time consuming and often ineffective. …
Chief Inspector Kai Vehmersalo of the National Customs Board says the use of scanners could improve the search for illegal immigrants in addition to consignments of contraband tobacco, alcohol and drugs hidden in isolated train compartments. However, the cash for scanners is not yet on the financial timetable in either country. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/15/11), 08/9/11
Online Course Reduces Alcohol-Related Problems in College Freshmen – 16. August 2011
An online course that demonstrates the consequences of excessive drinking appears to significantly reduce the most common types of alcohol-related problems among freshman, including binge drinking and sexual assault. The program, called AlcoholEdu for College, has students imagine themselves in real-life situations, such as being with a friend who drinks too much and goes wild, and asks them what they would do. … (Source: Join Together, 08/15/11)
The WTO, on 15 August 2011, issued the report of the panel that had examined complaints by the European Union and the United States regarding “Philippines – Taxes on distilled spirits” (DS396 and DS403). Panel report
Latency Periods Between Alcohol-Related Traffic Violations: Implications for Recidivism – 14. August 2011
Before October 1, 2002, Maryland’s regulations for relicensing drivers with 2 recorded alcohol-related traffic violations distinguished between offenders with 5 or more years between their first and second violations and those with less than 5 years.
Our research examined whether this policy was supported by differential probabilities of recidivism and violation-free survival. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/11/11)
USA: Commercial Liability an Effective Strategy to Reduce Alcohol-Related Problems – 14. August 2011
Holding alcohol retailers liable for injuries or damage done by their intoxicated customers can reduce motor vehicle deaths, homicides, injuries, and other alcohol-related problems, according to the Community Preventive Services Task Force. The independent, nonfederal, volunteer body of public health and prevention experts has determined that commercial host liability, otherwise known as dram shop liability, can be an effective intervention for reducing alcohol-related harms. … (Source: Google Alcohol News, 08/10/11), 10.8.11
Alcohol Reports, Alcohol News – 32/2011 – 9. August 2011
e.g. Alcohol, Drugs To Ease Anxiety Could Spur Substance-Abuse Problems
– More than half of Americans drink alcohol: report
– Zero alcohol law welcomed by SADD (New Zealand)
– New Study Highlights More Dangers Of “Alcopop” Consumption (USA) … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/8/11)
Alcohol and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – 9. August 2011
-time for a serious international public health effort.
Together with smoking, diet and physical inactivity, consumption of alcohol is among the four most important risk factors for non-communicable disease (NCD). Alcohol consumption, especially heavy consumption, impacts on cancer, liver cirrhosis and stroke. To reduce the burden of NCD, effective alcohol
policies should be implemented locally, nationally and internationally. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/8/11), Addiction, 106, 1547–1548
AU: Coalition leads the way with new alcohol & drug strategy – 9. August 2011
The Coalition Government is committed to a new strategy for the way government, health and community services, businesses, families, and communities work together to address alcohol and drug related harms in Victoria, Minister for Mental Health, Mary Wooldridge said today.
Announcing the Expert Advisory Group which will inform the development of the whole of government Victorian Alcohol and Drugs strategy, Ms Wooldridge said the appointment of the 17-member expert taskforce, chaired by Professor Richard Larkins is an important step forward. … More information about the whole of government Victorian Alcohol and Drug Strategy, including details about how to make a submission are available on (Source: Alcohol Reports, 8/8/11)media release, 08/7/11
One in eight drivers in Ireland are drunk – 6. August 2011
Are the roads safe?
Superficially it seemed like a good year for road safety in Ireland. The recession and emigration meant that traffic, and therefore road accidents, were down last year by 48% from ten years ago, (though up again in the first half of this year). New legislation is set to enforce a lower drink drive level at 50mg, down from 80mg, to comply with European recommendations, and random breath tests are also to be implemented, which are known to reduce incidents of drink driving. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/3/11), 08/3/11
UK: BBC Panorama alcohol report questions industry influence – 6. August 2011
A BBC Panorama alcohol report, ‘Dying for a Drink’, this week questioned the level of industry influence over Government policy whilst exploring the impact of alcohol misuse within hospitals. Scrutinising Government alcohol policy, Panorama revealed that industry representation on the Government and Partners Alcohol Working Group had recently increased from a few up to 7 out of the 16 members. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/3/11)
New York Doctors Report on Dangers of Four Loko – 4. August 2011
A report by doctors at New York’s Bellevue Hospital describes how 11 young people—10 of them under the legal drinking age of 21—were rushed to the emergency room after drinking the “alcopop” Four Loko. Some of the patients ended up in potentially deadly situations, according to NY1. One patient fell onto the subway tracks, another was unconscious at school, and a third was found alone in a park…. (Source: Join Together, 08/3/11)
Heineken’s new online marketing deal to reach 103 million minors monthly – 4. August 2011
Heineken’s new online marketing deal to reach 103 million minors monthly Heineken and Google have started a global partnership which will see the international beer producer increase its YouTube activity. The deal also sets out to use mobile internet as primary marketing channel in emerging markets. This new deal will very likely mean that at least 103 million minors around the world will be exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol marketing on a monthly basis.
According to the agreement spans 20 countries and ‘will see the Dutch brand execute homepage takeovers and use pre-roll ad slots on Google’s YouTube site.’ … (Source: EUCAM, 07/5/11)
One million drivers tested for alcohol in European crackdown – 4. August 2011
A crackdown to enforce drink driving and drug driving regulations across Europe saw police conduct almost one million breath tests in a seven-day period, of which more than 17,000 were positive.
Motorists were also checked for drugs in the operation, organised by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) at the beginning of June. In total, 986,954 drivers were tested and there were 17,705 alcohol offences and 1,636 drug offences detected. Full results, broken down by country, are shown below. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/1/11), 07/27/11
Czechia: Drivers no longer penalised for low alcohol blood content – 4. August 2011
Drivers on Czech roads will no longer be stripped of points for small speeding or a small quantity of alcohol in their blood as from Monday, August 1, when an amendment to the road law takes effect. …
The three-point penalty for alcohol up to 0.3 per thousands has been abolished. A higher quantity will be punished with seven points. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/1/11), 08/1/11
Northern Ireland: Minister backs alcohol pricing move – 4. August 2011
Setting minimum prices for alcohol could help cut the near 700 million pounds wasted each year tackling its misuse, the health minister has said. Edwin Poots said the Stormont Executive is still considering its options on the abuse of alcohol.
But his latest comments came after visiting his counterpart in Scotland where minimum pricing is also under debate. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/1/11), 07/25/11
Finland: Alcohol locks on all public school transport – 4. August 2011
The use of alcohol locks became mandatory as of Monday for all authorized vehicles taking children to school and daycare. An alcohol lock prevents a car from starting if a breathalyzer test shows the driver is over the legal limit.
The use of alcohol locks is from now on required in school and daycare transportation that has been organized by the municipality, the school or public facility, or is otherwise supported by the state or the municipality. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/1/11), 08/1/11
USA: New Parent Helpline Provides Support, Resources For Teen Substance Abuse – 31. Juli 2011
When parents find out their teen is abusing drugs or alcohol, the family’s immediate focus is generally on getting help for the teen. But parents are often in great need of help themselves. They may need advice on what to say to their teen, how to evaluate whether he or she needs professional treatment and where to find the appropriate substance abuse treatment program if one is needed. A new toll-free telephone helpline is providing that assistance.
The Parents Toll-Free Helpline, 1-855-DRUGFREE (1-855-378-4373), is staffed by clinical social workers with practical experience in substance abuse prevention and treatment. … (Source: Join Together, 07/29/11)
USA: Drunk Driving Penalties Vary Widely by Location – 31. Juli 2011
Punishments for drunk driving vary widely by location, ranging from receiving a ticket to landing in jail for a first-time offense, according to USA Today.
When former NBA star and ESPN analyst Jalen Rose was sentenced this week in the Detroit suburb of West Bloomfield for drunk driving, he was ordered to serve 20 days in the county jail for his first offense. Had he appeared in nearby Pontiac, MI, he most likely would not have gone to jail, the newspaper reports.
States that require mandatory jail time for first offenders include Alaska, Tennessee and Georgia, while no jail time is required for first-time offenders in California, Connecticut and Indiana. Wisconsin gives first-time drunk drivers a ticket. (Source: Join Together, 07/29/11)
USA: SAMHSA Awards $1.1 Million To The National Association Of State Alcohol And Drug Abuse Directors – 31. Juli 2011
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded a $1.1 million grant to the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) to provide support for states as they navigate the challenges and opportunities presented in the changing health and human services environment.
“Changes are rapidly occurring in health care financing with States playing an increasing role in policy and funding decisions affecting behavioral health prevention, treatment and recovery support services,” said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. … (Source: Medical News Today, 07/30/11)
USA: Drop in Underage Alcohol Sales in Indiana Follows Strict ID Law – 28. Juli 2011
Following the institution of an Indiana law requiring anyone buying and carrying out alcohol to show identification, regardless of their age, state inspectors report fewer of the state’s liquor stores, bars and restaurants are selling alcohol to those under 21. Under a recent revision to the law, store clerks are no longer required to ask customers for ID if they reasonably appear older than 40. … (Source: Join Together, 07/28/11)
American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology Calls for Regular Alcohol Abuse Screening – 23. Juli 2011
New recommendations issued by the American College of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ACOG) call for annual alcohol screening for women, and screening in the first trimester of pregnancy.
The guidelines state that for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant, it is important for obstetrician-gynecologists to “give compelling and clear advice to avoid alcohol use, provide assistance for achieving abstinence, or provide effective contraception to women who require help.” ACOG’s new recommendations also note that health care providers should advise women that low-level consumption of alcohol in early pregnancy is not an indication for terminating the pregnancy. … (Source: Join Together, 07/22/11)
USA: Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage Drinking – 23. Juli 2011
Underage drinking and associated problems have profound negative consequences for underage drinkers, their families, their communities, and society as a whole. Underage drinking contributes to a wide range of costly health and social problems, including motor vehicle crashes (the greatest single mortality risk for underage drinkers); suicide; interpersonal violence (e.g., homicides, assaults, rapes); unintentional injuries such as burns, falls, and drowning; brain impairment; alcohol dependence; risky sexual activity; academic problems; and alcohol and drug poisoning. On average, alcohol is a factor in the deaths of approximately 4,700 youths in the United States per year, shortening their lives by an average of 60 years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] Alcohol-Related Disease Impact [ARDI] software, 2009b). … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/21/11)
UK: Police warn alcoholic energy drink ‘Crunk Juce’ causing rise in violence – 19. Juli 2011
A craze for a ‘turbo-charged’ alcoholic energy drink as strong as wine and sold in pint cans has lead to a rise in violence, police have claimed.
One can of ‘Crunk Juce’ is the equivalent of drinking a pint of wine mixed with an energy drink.
‘Crunk Juce’ is 12 per cent proof and marketed as an alternative to beer and wine that will ‘leave you wondering what happened’.
But police say drinkers of ‘Crunk’ – slang for being crazy drunk – are increasingly involved in crime and are now working with trading standards to investigate its impact on public health. (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 7/19/11), 06/26/11
UK: Rise in illegal alcohol manufacturing hits news after fatal blast – 16. Juli 2011
Reports of a rise in counterfeit alcohol production have hit the news following a blast that killed 5 people in Boston, Lincolnshire.
In a BBC report on the Growing problem of illegally distilled alcohol, Trading Standards said that in some parts of the UK up to a quarter of licensed premises had been found to be selling counterfeit alcohol. It also reported that alcohol fraud costs the UK about £1bn a year in lost revenue, including £300m from illegal spirit sales, according to government estimates. Over £13 million of smuggled alcohol was seized last year. … (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 07/15/11)
Latest Findings alcohol research: parenting, web-based and student interventions reviewed – 30. August 2011
Recent research from the Drug and Alcohol Findings, supporting evidence-based responses to substance misuse drug and alcohol Effectiveness Bank: (Here the first of five reports)
Parenting intervention has remarkable impact on teen drunkenness
In this initial developer-led trial in one county in Sweden, routine parent-school meetings encouraging commitment to take a strong stand against underage drinking had a remarkable impact on adolescent drunkenness. … (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 08/29/11)
UK: Poor parenting increases likelihood of binge drinking at ages 16 and 34 – 29. August 2011
A study of over 15,000 children by the think tank Demos shows parenting style is one of the most important and statistically reliable influences on whether a child will drink responsibly in adolescence and adulthood.
Demos found that ‘tough love’ parenting, combining consistent warmth and discipline, was the most effective parenting style to prevent unhealthy relationships with alcohol right into the mid-thirties age range.
The report Under the Influence found that: Bad parenting at age 10 makes the child twice as likely to drink excessively at age 34
– Bad parenting at age 16 makes the child over eight times more likely to drink excessively at that age
– Bad parenting at age 16 makes the child over twice as likely to drink excessively at age 34. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/27/11), 08/28/11
Networking Site Usage By Teens Linked To Higher Smoking, Drinking And Drug Consumption, USA – 29. August 2011
Teenagers in the USA who regularly use networking web sites are more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and use drugs, says a survey carried out by CASA Columbia (The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University), titled the National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVI: Teens and Parents.
In this 16th annual back-to-school survey, teens aged from 12 to 17 years were asked, for the first time, whether they used Facebook, MySpace or other social networking web sites regularly (on a typical day). 70% said they do spend some time each day on a networking site, compared to 30% who don’t. The survey found that: … (Source: Medical News Today, 26.8.11)
UK: Latest LAPE alcohol figures hit headlines over rising hospital admissions – 26. August 2011
Local Alcohol Profiles for England (LAPE 2011) figures have been released, drawing media attention to areas with highest rates of harm and a continuing upwards national trend. Total alcohol-related admissions for England reached over one million in 2009/10; an increase of 879 alcohol-related admissions per day compared to five years ago.
The figures indicate that over the five years to 2009/10 there has been a 24.6% increase in the number of people being admitted to hospital due to alcohol specific conditions. However LAPE now includes data indicating there are more than six million people over 16 in England who do not drink alcohol. Patterns of abstention relate strongly to ethnicity as estimates range from 6.4% of adults in Mid Devon to 48.0% in London’s Newham borough. Other reported findings include: … (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 08/25/11)
Non-alcoholic Beer Reduces Inflammation And The Incidence Of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections After A Marathon – 26. August 2011
Strenuous exercise significantly increases the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) caused by transient immune dysfunction. Naturally occurring polyphenolic compounds present in food such as non-alcoholic beer (NAB) have strong anti-oxidant, anti-pathogenic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
To determine whether the ingestion of non-alcoholic beer polyphenols for three weeks prior to the Munich Marathon would attenuate post-race inflammation and decrease URTI incidence. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/25/11) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercice, May 2011 Volume 43
Perceptions of the impact of price on alcohol consumption from a large scale cross-sectional convenience survey in north west England 25. August 2011
A large-scale survey was conducted in 2008 in north west England, a region with high levels of alcohol-related harm, during a regional ‘Big Drink Debate’ campaign. The aim of this paper is to explore perceptions of how alcohol consumption would change if alcohol prices were to increase or decrease.
A convenience survey of residents (>18 years) of north west England measured demographics, income, alcohol consumption in previous week, and opinions on drinking behaviour under two pricing conditions: low prices and discounts and increased alcohol prices (either ‘decrease’, ‘no change’ or ‘increase’). … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/24/11) BMC Public Health 2011, 11:664; doi:10.1186/1471-2458-11-664
UK: ‘New media, new problem’-children exposed to online alcohol marketing – 24. August 2011
A new report from Alcohol Concern looks at how children and young people are at risk of being exposed to alcohol marketing and pro-drinking messages via the internet.
‘The report reveals the growing importance to alcohol companies of social networking sites (SNSs) like Facebook and video sharing sites such as YouTube as a means of promoting their products, and the inadequacies of online age verification pages aimed at preventing under 18s from accessing content intended for adults.
It also highlights the frequent practice of users of SNSs posting pictures and descriptions of themselves drinking and being drunk, and asks why so many of us choose to publicise our alcohol consumption in this way.’ (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 08/23/11)
Researchers Study How Excess Alcohol Depresses Immune Function – 23. August 2011
Alcoholism suppresses the immune system, resulting in a high risk of serious, and even life-threatening infections. A new study shows that this effect stems largely from alcohol’s toxicity to immune system cells called dendritic cells. These cells play a critical role in immune function, responding to danger signals by searching for unfamiliar antigens within the body that would be coming from invading microbes, and presenting such antigens to T cells, thus activating them to seek and destroy cells containing these antigens. The research is published in the July 2011 issue of the journal Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. … (Source: Alcohol Reports – News, 08/22/11), 08/9/11
Reinforcement of Smoking and Drinking: Tobacco Marketing Strategies Linked With Alcohol in the United States – 22. August 2011
We investigated tobacco companies’ knowledge about concurrent use of tobacco and alcohol, their marketing strategies linking cigarettes with alcohol, and the benefits tobacco companies sought from these marketing activities.
We performed systematic searches on previously secret tobacco industry documents, and we summarized the themes and contexts of relevant search results. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/20/11)
Average Brit Spends £58,201 ($93,000) On Booze Over A Lifetime And Has 726 Hangovers – 20. August 2011
Over an average British person’s lifetime, 5,800 pints of beer are consumed, plus 8,700 glasses of wine, 2,900 bottles of cider, 5,808 shots of spirits, 1,452 cocktails, 1,452 glasses of liquor, and 1,452 glasses of champagne – the equivalent of 456 drinks annually. The typical Brit also experiences 726 hangovers over a lifetime. £962 are spent annually on alcohol, or £58,201 ($93,000) by the time they die. … (Source: Medical News Today, 08/19/11) our online-comment: In this study it is not included, what everybody pays a life time for alcohol-related social costs. We should not forget this.
Why the New Definition of Addiction, as ‘Brain Disease,’ Falls Short – 20. August 2011
In 1956, the American Medical Association declared alcoholism a “disease.” More than half a century later, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has proclaimed addiction, including alcoholism and “process” addictions like gambling, to be the same.
According to the ASAM’s definition, published on the group’s website on Monday, addiction is a “primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.” This clarification, which was based on consultations with more than 80 experts, is aimed in part at de-stigmatizing addictive disorders. … (Source: Join Together, 08/18/11), 08/16/11
A Literature Review of Cost-Benefit Analyses for the Treatment of Alcohol Dependence – 17. August 2011
The purpose of this study was to conduct a literature review of cost-benefit studies on pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy treatments of alcohol dependence (AD).
A literature search was performed in multiple electronic bibliographic databases. The search identified seven psychotherapy studies from the USA and two pharmacotherapy studies from Europe. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/16/11)
Alcohol Consumption Among University Students in North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany – 16. August 2011
—Results From a Multicenter Cross-sectional Study
To assess alcohol use and problem drinking among university students in the German Federal State of North Rhine–Westphalia (NRW) and to examine the associated factors.
A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in 16 universities in 2006–2007 in NRW by a standardized questionnaire and 3,306 students provided information (response rate of 88%). Problem drinking was measured by the CAGE questionnaire. …
Overall, heavy drinking and problem drinking are common among university students in this sample. Intervention programs should be designed for students at a particularly high risk. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/14/11)
The Danish longitudinal study of alcoholism 1978-2008 A clinical high-risk study – 14. August 2011
Based on a Danish birth cohort (n=9182), a high risk group of sons of alcoholic fathers (HR, n=223) and a low risk group of sons without parental alcoholism (LR, n=106) has been followed prospectively from pregnancy to age 40.
The HR sons are characterized by a high prevalence of alcohol dependence (31%) and a high rate of remission (55%).
Most powerful predictors for alcohol dependence in adulthood are: low birth weight, ADHD, conduct disorder, low cognitive efficiency and high behavioural dyscontrol in childhood.
A 50 year follow-up examination of the sample, including DNA-testing, is planned in the nearest future. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/11/11)
USA: 40 Sports Stars Whose Vices Ruined Their Careers – 14. August 2011
Drugs, alcohol and gambling are all vices that have ruined the lives of athletes. Even the greatest and most talented players in the world have succumbed to these vices, which inhibit their ability to play and drain them financially.
The vices may be different, but the outcome is generally the same: Athletes that get caught up in these worlds ruin their careers and never live up to their potential.
Here are the athletes that had their playing and coaching days cut short and ruined perfectly good careers. … (Source: Join Together, 08/12/11), 08/8/11
NL: Trends in adolescent alcohol use: Effects of age, sex and cohort on prevalence and heritability – 14. August 2011
To determine the effect of age, sex, and cohort on the prevalence and genetic architecture of adolescent alcohol use (AAU). Design Survey study in participants registered with the Netherlands Twin Register. Setting Twins from the general population.
Two cohorts (data collected in 1993 and 2005-8) of twins aged 13-15, 16-17 and 18-21. In 1993 and 2005-8 a total of respectively 3269 and 8207 twins took part. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/11/11)
One Measure Of Spirits Can Raise Acute Pancreatitis Risk By 52% – 9. August 2011
According to a study published online by BJS (British Journal of Surgery), the risk of an acute pancreatitis attack can be increased by drinking just one 4cl measure of spirits, however, wine or beer do not appear to have the same effect.
The Karolinska Institute in Sweden conducted a study, in which researchers followed 84,601 people aged between 46 to 84 years from the general population in Vastmanland and Uppsala for an average of ten years, during which time 513 developed acute pancreatitis. … Source: Medical News Today, 08/6/11)
USA: Alcohol Abuse Has Doubled in Army in Past Five Years – 8. August 2011
…Official Says
The rate of alcohol abuse among soldiers has doubled in the past five years, says Dr. Les McFarling, Director of the Army Substance Abuse Program. McFarling attributes the rise to the stress of serving in wars, readjusting to life at home and then repeating the cycle, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. He says about 13,000 soldiers were treated for substance abuse in 2010—most of them for alcohol. …
The Army announced last month it is trying to fill 130 substance-abuse counselor positions by October 1. The Army Substance Abuse Program is looking for professionals to help substance-impaired soldiers who have the potential to continue military service. (Source: Join Together, 8/8/11)
Alcohol Reports – Articles on FASD – 8. August 2011
e.g. Binge drinkers have sex they later regret
A new study has found that binge drinking puts teenage girls at risk of having unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancies and contracting sexually-transmitted diseases. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/7/11)
The Effects Of Smoking And Alcohol Use On Risk Of Upper Aero-Digestive Cancers – 6. August 2011
Upper aero-digestive tract cancers (UADT), especially those of the oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx, are often referred to as alcohol-related cancers as it has been shown repeatedly that heavy drinkers, in particular, are at increased risk. The combination of heavy alcohol use and cigarette smoking is the key factor in increasing the risk of these cancers. (Source: Medical News Today, 08/4/11)
NL: “In Control: No Alcohol!”: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial – 6. August 2011
In the Netherlands, children start to drink at an early age; of the Dutch 12-year olds, 40% reports lifetime alcohol use, while 9.7% reports last-month drinking. Starting to drink at an early age puts youth at risk of developing several alcohol-related problems later in life. Recently, a home-based prevention program called “In control: No alcohol!” was developed to delay the age of alcohol onset in children. The main aim of this project is to conduct a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. … (Source:, 08/4/11
Prevention of alcohol misuse among children, youths and young adults – 6. August 2011
Background: Despite many activities to prevent risky alcohol consumption among adolescents and young adults there is an increase of alcohol intoxications in the group of ten to twenty year old juveniles.
This report gives an overview about the recent literature as well as the German federal prevention system regarding activities concerning behavioral and policy prevention of risky alcohol consumption among
children, adolescents and young adults. Furthermore, effective components of prevention activities are identified and the efficiency and efficacy of ongoing prevention programs is evaluated. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/3/11), 07/22/11
EU: Protecting the unborn baby from alcohol – 6. August 2011
September 7th, 2011 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM; Location Rue Wiertz 60 European Parliament Brussels, B 1047
Belgium Contact Phone: +32 (0)2 736 39 76 Email:
This event is jointly organized by European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) and the Polish State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA) to mark International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Day.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the leading known cause of birth defects and developmental disorders in the EU.
This meeting will be a unique opportunity to learn more about this condition, share experiences and good practices, and discuss with specialist working in the field the different policy options to curb its incidence. … (Source: Eurocare, 08/4/11)
Vermont Leads U.S. in Underage Drinking – 6. August 2011
Vermont has the highest rate of underage drinking in the nation, a new federal report reveals. The state ranks second in youth marijuana use, the Burlington Free Press reports.
The report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is a state-by-state analysis of a range of behavioral health issues. The report found 36.6 percent of 12- to 20-year-olds in Vermont said they drank alcohol in the previous month, the highest rate in the nation. Utah had the lowest underage drinking rate, 14.2 percent. … (Source: Join Together, 08/4/11)
Drink may cause ‘invisible’ brain harm – 4. August 2011
MORE than 4,000 Irish people could be suffering from an “invisible” serious brain injury caused by alcohol abuse, according to research. It suggests one quarter will die from the little-known condition and another 1,000 will need long-term nursing care, at a cost of tens of millions of euro a year. The research said there were no national policies in relation to alcohol-related brain injury and no public awareness of it. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/1/11)
UK: Fewer 11-15 year olds drinking finds NHS survey – 31. Juli 2011
Latest figures from a national survey of 11-15 year old pupils suggests fewer young people are drinking, and are less accepting of drunkenness. However it also finds no clear trend in consumption levels for those that do drink. The findings come from an annual survey which in 2010 included 7,296 pupils from 246 schools.
Some key findings from the report includes:
Between 2009 and 2010 the percentage of 11-15 year olds who had tried alcohol fell from 51% to 45%. … (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 07/28/11)
New research exposes alcohol industry public relation tactics – 26. Juli 2011
A new study has revealed how the alcohol industry is using its Drinkwise organisation to create an impression of social responsibility while promoting measures for which there is little evidence of impact and are unlikely to hurt profits.
A research team from Deakin University’s School of Psychology examined submissions to the Australian National Preventative Health Taskforce (NPHT) to determine which organisations or individuals discussed positive relationships or work by Drinkwise. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/25/11)
UK: Behavioural interventions most effective for higher risk drinkers – 26. Juli 2011
A report from the North West Public Health Observatory (NWPHO) demonstrates brief interventions for alcohol are the most cost effective, followed by interventions for smoking, sexual health and physical activity.
Changing Health Choices – A review of the cost-effectiveness of individual level behaviour change interventions.
Key findings include: The cost-effectiveness of brief interventions is strongest for interventions among high risk drinkers. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/25/11)
USA: Effects of an alcohol intervention on drinking among female college students… – 26. Juli 2011
… with and without a recent history of sexual violence.
Alcohol misuse among college students is a significant public health problem that can have negative long-term implications. One important correlate of problem drinking among college female populations is sexual violence. The current study investigated: (1) past year sexual violence and its association with alcohol consumption and related psychosocial variables (stress, coping, and mental health); and (2) whether the impact of an alcohol intervention was different for college women with a history of sexual violence compared to those without such a history. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/24/11)
Almost One-Quarter of Americans Report Binge Drinking in the Past Month – 21. Juli 2011
Almost one-quarter of Americans age 12 or older say they participated in binge drinking in the previous month, according to a government survey. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found binge drinking rates varied among states, ranging from 14.1 percent in Utah, to 29.8 percent in North Dakota. The survey defines binge drinking as having five or more drinks on one occasion. …
The survey included interviews with more than 137,000 people between 2008 and 2009. … (Source: Join Together, 07/21/11)
UK: ‘Nudge alone is not enough’ says Lords Committee report – 21. Juli 2011
… as BBPA reveal Responsibility Deal unit campaign.
A Lords Select Committee report on behaviour change was released today, stating ‘nudge’ approaches alone are not sufficient for achieving population level public health improvements. Launching the report, Committee Chair Baroness Neuberger said a “package of measures” was needed ranging from nudges to taxes and regulation…. (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 07/19/11)
The rise of the teetotal generation – 19. Juli 2011
Binge drinking among young people may have peaked according to official new data.
Amid the constant furore surrounding binge drinking among Britain’s young people, a quiet revolution is taking place. Increasing numbers are abstaining from alcohol in what appears to be a rejection of media stereotypes and peer pressure.
An annual survey of young people’s drinking habits, to be published by the NHS Information Centre in two weeks, is expected to show another rise in the number of young teenagers who have never had a drink. This follows nine years of steady increases in the proportion of 11 to 15 year olds who have never tried alcohol, from 39 per cent in 2001 to 49 per cent last year.
These figures coincide with a 21 per cent decline in the number of children under the age of 16 needing hospital treatment for alcohol-related diseases in the past two years, suggesting that safe drinking messages may be starting to get through. (Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 07/19/11), 07/06/11
Chinese Culture Encourages Binge Drinking In Middle Aged Men – 19. Juli 2011
A nationwide study confirms that binge drinking has reached epidemic proportions in China and argues that efforts to tackle the problem must address the country’s unique drinking culture.
In this study, published online today in the journal Addiction, binge drinking was defined as consuming 50g or more pure alcohol in one day for men (about five 330ml tins of beer), and 40g or more for women. The study found that of the almost 50,000 people surveyed across China, 55.6% of men and 15% of women were current drinkers, having had at least one drink in the previous twelve months. Among current drinkers, men averaged a daily intake of 47.8 grams of pure alcohol, with a median of 5.6 binges per year. Women fared a bit better, with an average daily intake of 19.1g and a median of 2.4 binges per year. 26% of male drinkers and 8% of female drinkers were classed as ‘frequent drinkers’, drinking 5-7 days per week. …(Source: Medical News Today, 07/18/11)
AU: Is the “alcopops” tax working? – 19. Juli 2011
Probably yes but there is a bigger picture.
The Australian Government’s decision to raise taxes on ready-to-drink spirit-based beverages (RTDs; “alcopops”) in 2008 caused great controversy. Interest groups have selectively cited evidence to support their points of view.
The alcohol industry cited Victorian data from the Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug Survey (ASSADS) as evidence that the tax had failed, but closer examination of the data suggests that fewer students are drinking, and fewer are drinking at risky or high-risk levels. Excise data from the first full year after the tax came into effect showed a more than 30% reduction in RTD sales and a 1.5% reduction in total pure alcohol sold in Australia. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/17/11)
Wine strength stronger than labelled – 19. Juli 2011
Wine makers “systematically” understate the strengths of wines, according to a Guardian report. A study found that 57% of the wines analysed were stronger than on the label; average ABV content was found at 13.6% but the average labelled strength was 13.1%. The analysis also revealed that strength of wine across the world has risen by almost one per cent in recent years. (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/17/11)
Binge Drinking Damages Teenage Girls’ Brains More Than Boys’ – 19. Juli 2011
Teenage girls who binge-drink have a higher risk of long-term harm to the brain compared to boys of the same age who also binge drink, researchers from the University of California, San Diego and Stanford University reported in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
Their definition of binge-drinking is consuming at least four (for females) or five (for males) alcoholic drinks at one sitting.
The investigators said that activity levels in several regions of the brain among girls who binge drink were lower than what one would normally find among typical teenagers. …(Source: Medical News Today, 07/17/11)
Alcohol-related deaths and deaths among people who were alcohol dependent in Ireland, 2004 to 2008 – 16. Juli 2011
This paper describes, for the first time, trends in alcohol-related deaths and deaths among people who were alcohol dependent in Ireland, as recorded by the National Drug-Related Deaths Index (NDRDI) for the years 2004−2008. The main findings of the analysis are:
The NDRDI recorded 672 poisoning deaths in which alcohol was implicated in the five-year period. This total comprised almost equal numbers of alcohol-only poisonings and alcohol polysubstance (alcohol plus other substance/s) poisonings. The annual number fluctuated over the period, being highest in 2007 (170 deaths) and lowest in 2006 (111 deaths). Alcohol was the substance most frequently
implicated in all fatal poisonings in Ireland in the five-year period. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/15/11) HRB Trends Series 10
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Last entry08/31/11
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Hermann T. Meyer