Archiv für die Kategorie 'Gender'
Sonntag 30. Oktober 2016 von htm
or the first time, trends in alcohol consumption and related mortality have been examined systematically for all countries in the WHO European Region for an extended period. (including Switzerland)
Who/Europe’s new report „Public health successes and missed opportunities. Trends in alcohol consumption attributable deaths increased by 4%.
Kategorie: Addiction, adults, Allgemein, consumption, Documents, Dokumente, Gender, Gesundheit, Health, mortality, Politics, Politik, Prevention, Publications, Research, Schweiz, Statistics, Statistik, Watchdogs, Weltgesundheits-Org., WHO |
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Donnerstag 26. Juli 2012 von htm
Most children who are exposed to large quantities of alcohol in utero do not develop fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Population-based prospective data on the risk of developing components of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), however, are limited.
This was a prospective cohort study of 9,628 women screened during their first prenatal appointment in Chile, which identified 101 who consumed at least 4 drinks/d (exposed) matched with 101 women with no reported alcohol consumption during pregnancy (unexposed). Detailed alcohol consumption data were collected during the pregnancy. Children were evaluated up to 8.5 years of age by clinicians masked to exposure status. …
After exposure to heavy alcohol consumption during pregnancy, 80% of children had 1 or more abnormalities associated with alcohol exposure. Patterns of alcohol use that posed the greatest risk of adverse outcomes were binge drinking and high total weekly intake. Functional neurologic impairment occurred most frequently and may be the only sign to alert physicians to prenatal alcohol exposure. ….
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 07/23/12), 07/23/12
Kategorie: adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, consumption, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Gender, Global, Health, Parents, Research |
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Mittwoch 18. Juli 2012 von htm
The findings, presented at an international conference, challenge the notion that some alcohol could be good for ageing brains.
People who stick to recommended alcohol limits are still at risk, as well as bingers and heavy drinkers, according to the work.
The study tracked the health over 20 years of 1,300 women in their mid-60s.
The risk, ranging from mild cognitive impairment to full blown dementia, was higher among those who reported drinking more alcohol.
Women who switched from abstinence to drinking over the course of the study also increased their risk.
Those who drank alcohol „in moderation“, meaning seven to 14 alcoholic drinks a week, were also more likely to develop problems with memory and brain functioning that can be a warning sign of future dementia. …
(Source: Google alcohol news, 07/18/12) (, 18.7.12), 07/18/12
Kategorie: adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, drinking guidelines, Gender, Global, Health, morbidity, Publications, Research, safe level, Statistics |
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Mittwoch 6. Juni 2012 von htm
The latest annual statistics on alcohol for England 2012 have been released by the ONS, confirming a continuing rise in alcohol-related and primary alcohol attributable hospital conditions. Alcohol-related admissions rose 11% on the previous year with primary diagnosis conditions up 2.1%. Ns_logo
This comes despite falls since 2004 in the proportion of adults reporting drinking alcohol. Continuing admissions – many being long term conditions – are thought to be linked to decades of rising consumption prior to 2004. Additionally indications that amongst some groups, those who are drinking are drinking more.
Some key facts from the report include:
A 2.1% increase in primary diagnosis alcohol conditions (198,900 for 2010/11) since the previous year and a 40% increase since 2003 (142,000).
A 11% increase on alcohol-related admissions (based on attributable fractions) totalling 1,168,300 for 2010/11.This is more than twice as many as in 2002/03 (510,700). …
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 06/5/12)
Kategorie: Addiction, adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Children, consumption, Gender, Global, Health, Research, Social Costs, societal effects, Statistics, Treatment, Watchdogs, Youth |
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Montag 28. Mai 2012 von htm
Young people in Switzerland are consuming twice as much alcohol as was previously believed, with many young adults drinking large amounts at the weekend.
These were the results of a research project supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and presented on Wednesday. Psychologist Emmanuel Kuntsche and his team from the addiction centre Sucht Schweiz in Lausanne conducted a mobile phone survey of 183 western Swiss (86 men and 97 women) aged between 19 and 26. For five weeks the participants had to give hourly updates from Thursday to Saturday on their consumption of alcohol, from early evening to midnight as well as the following morning. At the beginning of the survey they were also questioned on their consumption during the previous 30 days. …
(Source: Google Alcohol News, 05/28/12), 05/23/12
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, Gender, Konsumhaltung, Publications, Research, Schweiz, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs, Youth |
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Donnerstag 5. April 2012 von htm
Underage female drinkers are now as likely to die in an alcohol-related car crash as their male counterparts, a new study suggests. In 1996, underage males had a higher risk of a fatal car crash than underage females. By 2007, the gender gap had closed, according to HealthDay.
The total number of young men who are involved in deadly alcohol-related crashes is still greater, because males drink more, the study notes. At any given blood alcohol level, however, young women have the same risk of a fatal car crash as males. …
(Source: Join Together, 04/04/12)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Driving under the Influence, Gender, Global, mortality, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs |
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Dienstag 20. Dezember 2011 von htm
Warning labels aimed at pregnant women will be added to all alcohol products in New Zealand and Australia.
The Australian and New Zealand Ministerial Council on Food Regulation agreed to introduce labelling telling of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy at a Melbourne meeting last week in response to the recommendations of the independent Food Policy and Labelling Review.
The labelling will be regulated in two year’s time. …
(Source: Alcohol Reports, News, 12/20/11), 12/16/11
Kategorie: adults, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Children, consumption, drinking guidelines, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Gender, Global, Health, Labels, morbidity, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, societal effects |
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Mittwoch 7. Dezember 2011 von htm
81 per cent of African women report themselves to be non-drinkers, says data from the World Health Surveys. This is an important fact to take into account in planning of alcohol prevention strategies and policies.
In the latest round of the WHO World Health Surveys 40.739 women from 20 African countries were interviewed also about their alcohol drinking habits. Close to 34.000 reported lifetime abstinence from alcohol. This is 81 % of the respondents in the survey. The proportion of current alcohol drinkers ranged from 1% in Malawi to 20% in Burkina Faso.
Four researchers – Priscilla Martinez, Jo Røislien, Nirmala Naidoo and Thomas Clausen – have analyzed the data from the WHO survey and presented their results in an article published in BioMed Central. They point to the fact that “Alcohol use is an important factor in any woman’s health risk profile. Harmful patterns of alcohol consumption are strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality”.
Read the full article here.
The conclusions of the article are: “A variety of drinking patterns are present among African women with lifetime abstention the most common. Countries with hazardous consumption patterns require serious attention to mitigate alcohol-related harm. Some similarities in factors related to alcohol use can be identified between different African countries, although these are limited and highlight the contextual diversity of female drinking in Africa”.
The researchers comment their findings by writing that the current situation with low prevalence of alcohol use among women represents an opportunity to establish and promote healthy drinking habits among the vast majority of African women. This would serve the public health of African countries far into the future.
At the same time the researchers sound a warning bell related to female drinking: “This effort would be particularly relevant and timely given the current expansion of the alcohol industry in Africa. Women are a large portion of the population available for recruitment into regular drinking and will also benefit from improved economic situations, creating a ‘perfect storm’ for an increase in alcohol use and related harm. Such circumstances and increases in hazardous drinking among women have already been observed in Brazil and India”.
(Source: Dag Endal on, 12/05/11)
Kategorie: adults, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, consumption, Development, Gender, Global, Health, Prevention, Research, Statistics, WHO |
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Montag 8. August 2011 von htm
e.g. Binge drinkers have sex they later regret
A new study has found that binge drinking puts teenage girls at risk of having unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancies and contracting sexually-transmitted diseases. … (Source: Alcohol Reports, 08/7/11)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Gender, Global, Health, Parents, Prevention, Research, Statistics |
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Samstag 6. August 2011 von htm
September 7th, 2011 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM; Location Rue Wiertz 60 European Parliament Brussels, B 1047
Belgium Contact Phone: +32 (0)2 736 39 76 Email:
This event is jointly organized by European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) and the Polish State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol-Related Problems (PARPA) to mark International Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Day.
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is the leading known cause of birth defects and developmental disorders in the EU.
This meeting will be a unique opportunity to learn more about this condition, share experiences and good practices, and discuss with specialist working in the field the different policy options to curb its incidence. … (Source: Eurocare, 08/4/11)
Kategorie: adults, Alerts, Allgemein, Children, consumption, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Gender, Global, Health, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Personalities, Politics, Prevention, Research, societal effects, Watchdogs |
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