Archiv für die Kategorie 'drinking guidelines'
Donnerstag 5. Februar 2015 von htm
Kategorie: Alerts, Allgemein, consumption, drinking guidelines, English Website, Events, Health, morbidity, mortality, Non-communicable diseases, Publications, safe level, WHO |
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Mittwoch 18. Juli 2012 von htm
The findings, presented at an international conference, challenge the notion that some alcohol could be good for ageing brains.
People who stick to recommended alcohol limits are still at risk, as well as bingers and heavy drinkers, according to the work.
The study tracked the health over 20 years of 1,300 women in their mid-60s.
The risk, ranging from mild cognitive impairment to full blown dementia, was higher among those who reported drinking more alcohol.
Women who switched from abstinence to drinking over the course of the study also increased their risk.
Those who drank alcohol „in moderation“, meaning seven to 14 alcoholic drinks a week, were also more likely to develop problems with memory and brain functioning that can be a warning sign of future dementia. …
(Source: Google alcohol news, 07/18/12) (, 18.7.12), 07/18/12
Kategorie: adults, Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, drinking guidelines, Gender, Global, Health, morbidity, Publications, Research, safe level, Statistics |
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Freitag 6. Juli 2012 von htm
The Portman Group, the alcohol industry’s social responsibility body, has said alcohol producers are on track to deliver their pledge to provide health information on 80% of alcohol labels by the end of December 2013.
As part of the Government’s responsibility deal, alcohol producers have committed that three core labelling elements – clear unit content, NHS guidelines and a warning about drinking when pregnant – will appear on 80% of drinks. A Drinkaware link and responsibility statement are optional.
The Portman Group, who were given responsibility for monitoring the pledge, say current compliance is over 60%, with 18 months still remaining. More companies are expected to confirm their pledges in the coming months. …
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 07/05/12)
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, drinking guidelines, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Global, Labels, Parents, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Statistics |
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Montag 2. Juli 2012 von htm
The European Alcohol Policy Alliance has launched a new website to flag up the risks associated with alcohol consumption and cancer.
Alcohol is a carcinogenic (cancer causing) substance, yet only 1 in 5 people are aware of the risks that alcohol can bring. 10% of the total cancers in males and 3% of the total cancers in females are thought to be associated with alcohol consumption. A range of cancers are linked to alcohol, including liver cancer and prostate cancer. Any alcohol can increase the risk, so there isn’t a „safer“ alcoholic drink to gravitate to. …
(Source: Eurocare, 07/02/12)
Kategorie: Allgemein, consumption, Documents, drinking guidelines, Global, Health, Media, morbidity, mortality, Non-communicable diseases, Prevention, Publications, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs |
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Freitag 1. Juni 2012 von htm
Limiting alcohol to half a unit per day is best for health, say Oxford University researchers who analyzed the link between alcohol consumption and 11 chronic diseases and concluded 4,600 more lives would be saved every year if people in England were to cut the amount they drink to within this level.
They write about their findings in a BMJ Open paper that was published online on 30 May.
The lead author of the study was Dr Melanie Nichols of the BHF Health Promotion Research Group, in the Department of Public Health, at Oxford University. She told the press:
„People who justify their drinking with the idea that it is good for heart disease should also consider how alcohol is increasing their risk of other chronic diseases. A couple of pints or a couple of glasses of wine per day is not a healthy option.“ …
(Source: Medical News Today, 06/01/12)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, Health, mortality, Non-communicable diseases, Prevention, Publications, Research, societal effects, Statistics |
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Montag 26. März 2012 von htm
A billion units of alcohol will be shed by the alcohol industry through an ambitious plan to help customers drink within guidelines, Health Secretary Andrew Lansley announced today.
The initiative, which is part of the Responsibility Deal, is being spearheaded by 34 leading companies behind brands like Echo Falls, First Cape and Heineken and will see a greater choice of lower strength alcohol products and smaller measures by 2015.
Market intelligence suggests consumers are increasingly looking for lower strength wines. In the past year, demand for lower and non-alcoholic beer has soared by 40 per cent across all retailers.
Key commitments include new and lighter products, innovating through existing brands and removing products from sale.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/23/12)
Comment: Very interesting. The industry accepts that its products are responsible for hospital admissions and deaths. It admits to be able to lead the consumer to drink less dangerous products. Marketing works. Now we can wait again if the industry fulfills its promise.
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, Health, morbidity, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, safe level, societal effects |
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Freitag 23. März 2012 von htm
The rumours were true; the new Government Alcohol Strategy: Choice, Challenge and Responsibility confirms minimum pricing is to be brought in for England. Although the unit price is still to be set, in a press release the Prime Minister said „if it is 40p that could mean 50,000 fewer crimes each year and 9,000 fewer alcohol related deaths over the next decade.“
Al201103-coverThe strategy sets out key policies including:
a minimum unit price for alcohol;
banning the sale of multi-buy discount deals;
zero tolerance of drunken behaviour in A&E departments;
a late night levy to get pubs and clubs helping to pay for policing; and
improved powers to stop serving alcohol to drunks.
The strategy sets itself out as a plan to reduce binge-drinking in a bid to drive down crime and tackle health issues. The decision to introduce a minimum unit price means that alcohol will not be allowed to be sold below a fixed price per unit – a policy advocated by health groups and Alcohol Concern for a number of years. As the release states, it „will put an end to cheap white ciders, spirits and super-strength lagers“. It is expected to go out for consultation, with a possible introduction by 2014.
Launching the strategy, the Prime Minister said:
“When beer is cheaper than water, it’s just too easy for people to get drunk on cheap alcohol at home before they even set foot in the pub.
“[Minimum pricing] isn’t about stopping responsible drinking, adding burdens on business or some new kind of stealth tax – it’s about fast immediate action where universal change is needed.
“And let’s be clear. This will not hurt pubs. A pint is two units. If the minimum price is 40p a unit, it won’t affect the price of a pint. In fact, pubs may benefit by making the cheap alternatives in supermarkets more expensive.
“Of course, I know this won’t be universally popular. But the responsibility of being in government isn’t always about doing the popular thing. It’s about doing the right thing.
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 03/23/12)
our online-comment: Let’s hope the minimum price will be high enough and that the EU accepts it.
For a conservative government this is a strong signal. Other countries should follow.
See also comment by Eurocare, with which we fully agree.
See also „How significant is a minimum unit price for alcohol of 40p?“ by The Institute For Fiscal Studies.
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Research, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs |
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Donnerstag 8. März 2012 von htm
A free special edition of the Drug and Alcohol Review journal has been released exploring the evidence and reasons behind low risk drinking guidelines.
The special edition includes commentaries from Professor Nick Heather on the importance of drinking guidelines and a critical perspective from Sally Casswell who asks why have guidelines at all.
The issue comes shortly after a the Science and Technology Committee review into UK guidelines, from which MPs called for greater efforts to help the public understand alcohol guidelines.
The Government recently released a new Change4Life alcohol campaign warning against the risks of regularly exceeding the recommended guidelines.
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 03/06/12)
Kategorie: Allgemein, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Publications, safe level, societal effects, Statistics |
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Donnerstag 8. März 2012 von htm
A major overhaul of guidelines for the safe consumption of alcohol seems to have had no impact on Australians.
Only 5 per cent of the population can identify safe drinking levels nominated in the National Health and Medical Research Council’s guidelines for reducing health risks from alcohol consumption.
The latest guidelines, which were published in 2009, say women and men can reduce their lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury by having a maximum of two standard alcoholic drinks a day.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 03/07/12), 03/06/12
Online comment: Before we can expect people to take notice of and accept drinking guidelines they must know why. But for decades the fields of information and propaganda have been left over to the alcohol industry, which may invest giant sums into advertising and marketing.
Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Allgemein, drinking guidelines, Education, Global, Letters and comments to editors, Media, Prevention, Research, safe level, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs, Youth |
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Mittwoch 22. Februar 2012 von htm
When considering the world’s worst killers, alcohol likely doesn’t come to mind. Yet alcohol kills more than 2.5 million people annually, more than AIDS, malaria or tuberculosis.
For middle-income people, who constitute half the world’s population, alcohol is the top health risk factor, greater than obesity, inactivity and even tobacco.
The World Health Organization has meticulously documented the extent of alcohol abuse in recent years and has published solid recommendations on how to reduce alcohol-related deaths, but this doesn’t go far enough, according to Devi Sridhar, a health-policy expert at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
In a commentary appearing today (Feb. 15) in the journal Nature, Sridhar argues that the WHO should regulate alcohol at the global level, enforcing such regulations as a minimum drinking age, zero-tolerance drunken driving, and bans on unlimited drink specials. Abiding by the regulations would be mandatory for the WHO’s 194 member states.
Far from prohibition, the WHO regulations would force nations to strengthen weak drinking laws and better enforce laws already in place, Sridhar says. …
(Source: Alcohol Reports, News, 02/20/12), 02/16/12
Kategorie: Addiction, Alcohol taxes, Alerts, Allgemein, consumption, drinking guidelines, Global, Health, HIV, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, societal effects, Statistics, WHO |
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