Archiv für Mai 2012
Donnerstag 31. Mai 2012 von htm
Mechthild Dyckmans, FDP-Politikerin und Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, sorgte kürzlich mit der Veröffentlichung eines „Drogen- und Suchtberichts“ für Empörung in der Netzgemeinde und offenbar auch für Unverständnis bei ihren Kollegen und Kolleginnen aus der Politik. Das zumindest impliziert eine nun herausgegebene Pressemitteilung der CSU-Generalsekretärin Dorothee Bär.
Darin verurteilt die CSU-Politikerin unter anderem die von Dyckmans angeregte gedankliche Nähe des Internetverhaltens zum Alkohol- und Drogenkonsum. Sie halte einen solchen Vergleich für absurd, so Bär, und empfehle jedem, weder Computerspiele, noch das Medium an sich als Gefahr für Leib und Leben darzustellen. …
(Quelle: Google Alkohol News, 30.5.12), 29.5.12
unser Online-Kommentar: Mit den bisherigen Kommentaren gehe ich einig.
Einen besonderen Aspekt möchte ich aber beifügen: Mit dieser Gegenüberstellung hat die Drogenbeauftragte die Alkoholprobleme massiv bagatellisiert. Man könnte direkt meinen, es sei ein Ablenkungsmanöver, weil sie mit den bisherigen harmlosen Bemühungen das Problem nie in den Griff bekommen wird. Andererseits sind ihr die Hände gebunden, weil diese Regierung kein Interesse daran hat, gegen die Alkoholindustrie anzutreten.
Kategorie: Alkoholindustrie, Alkoholkrankheit, Allgemein, Andere Drogen, Arbeitsplatz, Gesundheit, Internationales, Konsumhaltung, Medien, Politik, Prominenz, Verbraucherschutz, Veröffentlichungen |
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Donnerstag 31. Mai 2012 von htm
In 2011 we organized the First European Conference on Alcohol Law Enforcement in Rotterdam. The conference was a successful start of a network on alcohol law enforcement in Europe. This year we are continuing the network initiative with a conference in Stockholm at 15 and 16 November 2012. Theme of the second conference is Reducing public drunkenness and over-serving related violence. Every European city is facing this problem and every law enforcer that is active at night-time will recognize this issue. There are some very interesting best practices on reducing alcohol related violence in Europe and there is a lot of research on evidence based interventions. In November we will present those best practices and bring the specialists on this topic in Europe together with the members of the European Network for Alcohol Law Enforcement.
Signing in for the conference is possible by this link:
(Source: European Network for Alcohol Law Enforcement, 05/31/12)
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, Education, Events, Global, Prevention, Research, societal effects, Training, Violence and crimes, Watchdogs |
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Donnerstag 31. Mai 2012 von htm
Der TV-Moderator Markus Lanz macht sich für die Aufzeichnungen seiner ZDF-Talkshow mit Koffein fit. … Auf Alkohol dagegen verzichte er, um sich erholen zu können. „Wenn du abends ein Weinchen trinkst, funktioniert das Spiel noch, bei zwei schon nicht mehr.“
(Quelle: Google Alkohol News, 31.5.12), 30.5.12
unser Online-Kommentar: Mir scheint, der Mann hat Verstand und nutzt ihn auch.
Kategorie: Alkoholfreies, Allgemein, Arbeitsplatz, Internationales, Konsumhaltung, Medien, Prominenz, Verhaltens-Präv., Zitate |
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Donnerstag 31. Mai 2012 von htm
Im Vorfeld der Fußball-Europameisterschaft (8. Juni bis 1. Juli in Polen und der Ukraine) haben Polens römisch-katholische Bischöfe die Fans zum Alkohol-Verzicht aufgerufen. „Lasst uns Polen und alle anderen Teams unterstützen, indem wir nüchtern bleiben“, heißt es in einem am Dienstag veröffentlichten Statement: „Zeigen wir unseren Gästen, dass wir ein freies Volk sind, das weiß, wie man ohne Alkohol feiert, Spaß hat und das Turnier genießt.“ (Quelle: Google Alkohol News, 30.5.12), 29.5.12
Kommentar: Diese Bischöfe wären ein Vorbild auch für westliche Länder. Gerade für jene, die sich mit ihrer Freiheit brüsten, dabei sich der globalen Alkoholindustrie und deren Komplizen unterwerfen und deren Schädigungen ihrer Bevölkerung anlasten.
Kategorie: Alkoholfreies, Alkoholindustrie, Allgemein, Aufruf, Feste und Feiern, Internationales, Jugend, Konsumhaltung, Prominenz, Religion und Alkohol, Sozialkosten, Sport, TOP NEWS, Veranstaltungen, Verbraucherschutz, Verhaltens-Präv., Zitate |
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Dienstag 29. Mai 2012 von htm
The Scottish Government have today announced plans to almost half the drink-drive limit with a new scheme being implemented “as soon as possible”.
Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said that plans to bring the limit down, from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg, are set to be brought forward.
The announcement comes less than a week after Scotland became the first part of the UK to implement a minimum price for a unit of alcohol under a new binge-drinking bill.
MacAskill said, “The Scottish government has long called for a reduction in the drink-driving limit to 50mg.
“We strongly believe that reducing the drink-driving limit will save lives, and evidence from across Europe shows that alcohol-related road deaths drop dramatically where the limit has been reduced.”
Scottish road safety campaigners have welcomed the plans and said it was a step in the right direction.
(Source: Alcohol Reports, News, 05/28/12), 05/27/12
our Online-Comment: It is really interesting what funny reasons are given against this new limit. We have heard them as well when in Switzerland, after a long fight, parliament did this step. It is so simple, even after five years and more the amount of alcohol related accidents and deaths dropped by more than 20%. How anybody can be against this new rule?
Important is of course that many controls by the police are done and especially controls without suspicion. And that punishments with lost driver licences are strong enough.
Kategorie: Allgemein, Driving under the Influence, Global, mortality, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, societal effects |
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Montag 28. Mai 2012 von htm
Young people in Switzerland are consuming twice as much alcohol as was previously believed, with many young adults drinking large amounts at the weekend.
These were the results of a research project supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and presented on Wednesday. Psychologist Emmanuel Kuntsche and his team from the addiction centre Sucht Schweiz in Lausanne conducted a mobile phone survey of 183 western Swiss (86 men and 97 women) aged between 19 and 26. For five weeks the participants had to give hourly updates from Thursday to Saturday on their consumption of alcohol, from early evening to midnight as well as the following morning. At the beginning of the survey they were also questioned on their consumption during the previous 30 days. …
(Source: Google Alcohol News, 05/28/12), 05/23/12
Kategorie: Allgemein, Binge Drinking, consumption, Gender, Konsumhaltung, Publications, Research, Schweiz, societal effects, Statistics, Watchdogs, Youth |
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Montag 28. Mai 2012 von htm
Fahrerflucht, Alkohol am Steuer, schwere Nötigung durch Drängeln – Verkehrssünder sollen härter bestraft werden. Dazu will Minister Ramsauer die geplante Reform der Flensburger Kartei noch einmal verschärfen. Für schwere Vergehen gibt es dann drei Punkte – und die wird man so schnell nicht wieder los.
Wer sich volltrunken hinters Steuer setzt oder Fahrerflucht begeht, muss in Zukunft mit einer härteren Bestrafung rechnen: Derartige Straftaten sollen nach dem Willen von Bundesverkehrsminister Peter Ramsauer (CSU) künftig mit mehr Punkten in Flensburg geahndet werden als bisher vorgesehen. Wie Ramsauer in der „Bild am Sonntag“ ankündigte, soll die geplante Reform der Flensburger Verkehrssünderkartei noch einmal verschärft werden. …
(Quelle: Google Alkohol News, 28.5.12), 27.5.12
Kategorie: Allgemein, Internationales, Politik, Prominenz, Verhältnis-Präv., Verkehr, Verschiedene |
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Samstag 26. Mai 2012 von htm
In Focus
Alcohol harms you, others and the society – why does Europe need an alcohol strategy? 27 June 2012, European Parliament, Brussels
Finland takes important steps to restrict alcohol marketing
News from Eurocare
Alcohol Focus Scotland: Minimum pricing
NordAN: Conference reminder
EHYT: Cannabis Connotations of an Alcohol Ad cause a stir in Finland
Eurocare Italy: Partnership between Diageo and Italian Automobile Club
DHS: Focus on alcohol and cancer
News from the European Union Institutions
Report from the Chair of the European Alcohol and Health Forum
Presentations from the High Level Conference on EU Health Programmes
Question from MEP: Alcohol consumption in Europe
Question from MEP: Benefits of red wine
Question from MEP: Foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
Question from MEP: Wine imports: possible tax increase and imposition of quotas
News from across Europe
Scottish minimum price at 50p per unit
Ireland – Minister to end alcohol sponsorship of sports
Germany – Public Transit Pub: Will Alcohol Bans Stop Party Trains?
News from the World Health Organization
World Health Statistics
New research and reports
ALICE RAP Policy Brief on alcohol: ‘Alcohol – the neglected addiction’
Study on the affordability of alcoholic beverages in the EU
Research shows high level of serving alcohol to inebriated customers
Call for Papers Special Issue on International Perspectives on Alcohol Control Policies in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Upcoming Events ….
(Source: Eurocare, 25/05/2012)
Kategorie: Advertising, Alcohol industry, Alcohol taxes, Allgemein, Availability, consumption, European Alcohol and Health Forum, Events, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Global, Media, Newsletter, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price, Publications, Research, Statistics, Watchdogs, WHO, Youth |
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Freitag 25. Mai 2012 von htm
The Scottish Government has passed the Alcohol Minimum Pricing Bill, meaning a 50 pence minimum unit price (MUP) could be in place north of the border by April next year. The Bill requires Royal Assent and still faces the threat of potential legal challenges as warned of by sections of the alcohol industry.
A 50 pence MUP would set a minimum floor price for an average strength bottle of wine at £4.69, vodka at £13.13 a bottle (70cl) and a standard four-pack of lager would need to cost at least £3.52. The Bill sets a minimum price for a unit of alcohol as a condition of licence.
However most drinks would be unaffected, especially those sold in pubs and restaurants. The minimum price would not be raised for at least two years and is reported to include a „sunset clause“. The move is expected to save lives and reduce crime based on evidence linking price and consumption and modelling work by the University of Sheffield.
(Source: Alcohol Policy UK, 05/25/12)
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Global, Parliaments / Governments, Politics, Prevention, Price |
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Freitag 25. Mai 2012 von htm
A detailed analysis of the alcohol industry’s submissions to a Parliamentary Inquiry has exposed a raft of false, misleading and unfounded claims.
The damning finding comes as alcohol industry representatives meet in Canberra today to present to the House of Representatives Inquiry into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), and calls into doubt the veracity of the industry claims.
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) analysed four alcohol industry submissions from the Winemakers Federation of Australia (WFA), the Brewers Association of Australia and New Zealand Inc (Brewers), the Distilled Spirits Industry Council of Australia (DSICA) and the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI).
The analysis found that between them, the alcohol industry bodies made a total of ten false or misleading claims regarding FASD, and the effectiveness of interventions to prevent FASD.
Demonstrating a total lack of commitment to preventing FASD, two of the industry submissions even talk down the need for action, suggesting current activities to prevent FASD are sufficient.
FARE Chief Executive, Michael Thorn said it is crucial that none of the industry’s unsubstantiated claims go unchallenged.
“This is not simply ‘claim’ and ‘counter claim’. This is about separating the facts from the industry fiction. The alcohol industry is so hell bent on putting profit ahead of public health that it’s prepared to bend or even disregard the truth completely, to suit its own agenda,” Mr Thorn said. …
(Source: Alcohol Reports, 05/23/12), Media Release, 05/24/12
Kategorie: Alcohol industry, Allgemein, Children, Fetal alcohol syndrome etc., Global, morbidity, Parents, Politics, Prevention, Publications, Research, societal effects, Watchdogs |
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